Friendship Jokes

A good romance starts with a foundation of trust and friendship. A bad romance starts with a rah rah rah-ah-ah, roma roma-ma gaga ooh la la

Score: 14497

They say there is a person capable of murder in every friendship group,... ... i suspected it was Dave, so i killed him before he could cause any harm

Score: 1975

They say there's a person capable of murder in every friendship group. I suspected it was Dave, so i killed him before he could cause any harm.

Score: 379

I saw two construction workers laughing together today. I know what they were building... Friendship.

Score: 29

Friendship... Is like peeing your pants. Everyone around you can see it but only you can feel the warmth it brings.

Score: 24
Funny Friendship Jokes
Score: 21

Friendship Merit!!!! =>Boy: Hi

=>Girl: What?

=>Boy: How are you?

=>Girl: Do I know you?

=>Boy: I’m rich

=>Girl: Hi, I am Nani, I’m 20, nice to meet you!

=>Boy: no no, “Rich” is my name

=>Girl: sorry I don’t talk to boys

Score: 21

Friendship is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth inside.

Score: 16

I was told that the friendship between sodium, potassium, and oxygen was bad. I said, "Na. Pretty sure it is OK."

EDIT: Should have switched potassium and oxygen around. Dang it...

Score: 13

What's the best vitamin for friendship? B1

Shout out to the random guy on the street that told me this joke!

Score: 11

Friendship is like getting peed on Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth!

Score: 9

A good romance starts with a foundation of friendship and respect. A bad romance starts with a rah rah rah-ah-ah, roma roma-ma, gaga ooh la-la.

Score: 9

What's the surest way to ruin a friendship? Homicide

Score: 7

I don't make friends with people wearing eyepatches. Friendship has two 'i's.

Score: 6

My buddy didn't let me on his boat because I'm too muscular. I thought it was a strong friendship.

Score: 6

What do you say when you friendzone a brony? Friendship is magic.

Score: 5

Friendship is like peeing your pants Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.

Score: 5

What’s the worst way to end a friendship with a rock? Take them for granite.

Score: 5

I found out one of my friend is missing all his toes on his right foot I had to end the friendship because I’m lack-toes intolerant

Score: 5

What do vegan gluten-free people miss the most? Friendship

Score: 5

What is the best Vitamin for friendship? B1. Because no one wants to be friends with a guy in a metabolic coma due to a thiamine deficiency.

Score: 4

Friendship is like peeing on yourself Everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Score: 4

What do you call a friendship between two male emos? My Chemical Bromance

Score: 4

Saw two construction workers laughing today... I know what they were really building: Friendship

Score: 3

Best way to ruine a friendship ? Ask her out.

Score: 3

Friendship is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it but only you feel the warmth.

Score: 3

Friendship Day is the time to have fun with your friends. My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.

Score: 3

'A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversations' Due to this quote, my remaining friends vanished.

Score: 3

I've never been able to sustain a friendship with a lumberjack. They all arbor resentment.

Score: 2

Do you want a stable friendship? Get a horse.

Score: 2

What do you call friendship between recording devices? Cameraderie

Score: 1

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