Goth Jokes

Funny Goth Jokes
Score: 442

I made a 3D game about a depressed self-harming goth It's mostly unskippable cutscenes.

Score: 184

What do you call a Goth with a large behind? Gothicc.

Score: 16

What do you call a Goth with a foot fetish?? Edgar Allan Toes

Score: 14

Goth people wear black to reflect the color of their souls... Except ginger goths. They go naked.

Score: 13

What do you call a fat goth? Buffet the Vampire Slayer

Score: 13

What do you call a goth prostitute? Edgar Allan Ho

Credit where credit due,
Thx u/roxy-rambles

Score: 10

How did the goth kid break up with his girlfriend? He sang her You Are My Sunshine.

Score: 7

What do you call a baby goth bird? An emo chick.

Credits to u/jasperatu for inspiration.

Score: 7

Saw an over weight goth today, I thought to myself, he must be morbidly obese.

Score: 6

Theoretically a goat can get impregnated by a moth. Scientists have never attempted the experiment however, as they don't want to create more goth kids.

Score: 5

What do you call a goth guy who likes women? A straight edge

Score: 5

A woman goes up to an employee at a garden shop. “How much for this goth cucumber” she asks,
“Ma’am that’s a catcus”

Score: 5

What's the difference between pizza and goth pizza? Goth pizza cuts itself.

Score: 4

A jew, an episcopalian, a veterinarian, a hipster, a redneck, a goth, and a frat boy all walk into a bar that promotes diversity The bartender says "sorry, we have enough whites."

Score: 3

How do you get a goth down from a tree? Cut the rope

Score: 3

What do you call a goth emoji? An Emo-ticon

Score: 3

Don't call yourself a true goth Unless you invaded and sacked Rome.

Score: 3

Did you hear about the goth anti-vaxxer? She refused to listen to The Cure.

Score: 3

I wanted to describe my girlfriend's aesthetic, but "big tiddy goth gf" seemed too disrespectful. So now I say she's a wiccan thick'n ready for a dickin'.

Score: 3

Why did the square say to the goth circle? "Quit trying to be edgy."

Score: 2

What's the difference between a lazy overeater and a flirtatious emo? One is Sloth the Gluttonous the other is Goth the Sluttiness.

Yep made that up on the way home today... Sorry.

Score: 1

«you understand that the dress code is dark suit, right?» «yeah, I goth it»

Score: 1

After his motorcycle accident where he lost his left leg and half his right foot, Dylan sulked slowly around school in all black outfits. We call him the three-toed Goth.

Score: 1

Why did the goth choose to die today? There was a discount on black caskets

Score: 1

Did you know paranoid people are surrounded by hot goth girl? Yea they always seem to have scary thots.

Score: 1

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