Hot Air Balloon Jokes

Funny Hot Air Balloon Jokes
Score: 176

TIFU in a hot air balloon ... It was amazing.

Score: 15

What does a hot air balloon and a homeless person have in common No visible means of support

Score: 9

BOSS: How was your weekend? **ME:** Oh man, I got so high.

**BOSS:** it’s against company policy-

**ME:** I took a ride in a hot air balloon...

**BOSS:** Oh, haha well then-

**ME:** then the edibles kicked in.

Score: 9

Went on my first hot air balloon ride today I was blown away

Score: 8

I didn’t get the joke about the hot air balloon. I think it was over my head.

Score: 6

Man in a hot air balloon is lost over West Virginia He looks down and sees a redneck on the porch of his trailer and shouts down to him

“Where am I ?”
The Redneck looks back up and shouts back,

"You can't fool me. You're in that basket up there."

Score: 6

I'm waiting to invest in a hot air balloon I don't want to lose my life's savings to inflation

Score: 5

I have only ever seen hot air balloons in the morning I guess they’re all early risers

Score: 5

A physicist insisted on his wife giving birth on a hot air balloon. When his son turned out to be a shame on the family, he told him: "You had so much potential!"

Score: 4

Why'd the crazy guy jump out of the hot air balloon's basket? He wanted to escape from the ballooney bin.

Score: 3

I was going to invest in a hot air balloon..... but it's a bit up in the air at the moment

Score: 3

I have a job working with hot air balloons It has its highs and lows

Score: 3

A Scottish man, an Irish man, and a English man are all in a hot air balloon. Somehow

Score: 3

i was dating a hot air balloonist at least she let me down gently

Score: 2

I had an idea for a hot air balloon underwear company. I couldn't get it off the ground.

Score: 2

What do you call the basket on a hot air balloon? A balooney bin. Fuuuuuuck I hate myself.

Score: 2

Hot Air Balloons are like Marijuana... The more you blaze it, the higher you become.

Score: 1

Mr. Banks began to fill his hot air balloon for a trip across London To his delight a few minutes later, he found that it'd gained a pound due to inflation

Score: 1

A man lost a hot air balloon He wasn't cool about it

Score: 1

The only qualification you need to be a hot air balloon pilot is to not be a coward

Score: 1

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