Hot Tub Jokes

Funny Hot Tub Jokes
Score: 76

The Seven Dwarfs The seven dwarfs were all in a hot tub. They were all feeling happy, then Happy got out.

Score: 67

The seven dwarfs were in the hot tub feeling happy... Happy left.

Score: 41

What do you do when you find Michael J. Fox in your hot tub? .....Add your laundry.

Score: 30

What do you get when you drain a hot tub full of clowns? Several gallons of laughing stock.

Score: 30

What do you call a group of disabled people in a hot tub? Vegetable soup.

Score: 23

All the dwarfs were sat in a hot tub feeling happy So happy got up and left

Score: 18

I like my women like I like my hot tubs So hot I can only stay in them for 30 seconds

Score: 9

Two elephants are sitting in a hot tub... One turns to the other one and asks “Do you have any soap?”

The second elephant replies with, “no soap, radio.”

Score: 9

the 7 dwarves got into a hot tub they all started feeling happy

so he got out

Score: 6

What’s the difference between a warm pool and a ball pit? One’s a hot tub, one’s a tot hub

Score: 6

What do you call 4 lepers in a hot tub? soup

Score: 5

What do you call a leper in a hot tub? Soup

Score: 5

What is the most prudent thing to do when someone is having an epileptic seizure in a hot tub? Throw in your laundry.

Score: 5

What do you call a leper in a hot tub? Stew!

Score: 4

What do you call a hot tub full of rastafarians Jah-cuzzie

Score: 4

Italian Hot Tub What was the Italian hot tub that was so small it's occupants always bumped into each other called?


Score: 3

What do you get if you put 100 paralitycs in a hot tub? A vegetable soup

Score: 2

What do you call Marie Antoinette's hot tub? A J'accuse!-i

Score: 2

Did you hear about Emile Zola's hot tub? It's a J'Accuse-i.

Score: 2

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is in a hot tub. Stew

Score: 2

What do you call What do you call a Leper in a hot tub?


Just an old joke I remember from my child hood lol

Score: 2

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a hot tub? Stu.

Score: 1

Two dudes chilling in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they're Responsible

Score: 1

New book idea: "Too long in the hot tub" by Drew Peacock

Score: 1

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