Immune System Jokes

Funny Immune System Jokes
Score: 22

[OC] My kids seem to magically only get sick on school days...and quite a lot of them. It's like they've got weekend immune systems.

Score: 6

I got COVID-19 and it took 10 days for my immune system to finally fight it off. Longest anything made in China's lasted for me.

Score: 5

My immune system is racist Every time it finds a foreign body it tries to eliminate it.

Score: 5

My boss said "I find it highly suspicious that you are only sick on weekdays." I said, "It must be my weekend immune system."

Score: 5

My body only fights off illness on Saturday and Sunday I have a weekend immune system

Score: 4

My boss said, “I find it highly suspicious that you are only sick on weekdays.” I said, “It must be my weekend immune system.”

Score: 3

Germs boost your immune system They say that exposure germs boosts your immune system. So to ensure a healthy amount of exposure, a couple times a week I take a sip of some tea that's been sitting out for a few days. I don't plan it.....
But it still happens :(

Score: 2

If you have a cold for a long time and your immune system is fighting it then you are fighting a Cold War.

Score: 2

I just discovered I can’t get sick on Saturdays or Sundays Turns out I have a weekend immune system.

Score: 2

OK FINE!! i'LL WEAR MY MASK SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!! JeEZ ALLmIGHtY!! My doctor told me I have a weekend immune system.

Score: 2

Did you hear about the viruses who started their own in-cell movement? They think it's unfair that plants and animals have their own immune systems.

Score: 1

One thing I have noticed over the last few months is that I’m sick only on weekdays. It must be my weekend immune system.

Score: 1

Why don't Juggalos get coronavirus? They have developed a superior immune system. Instead of using phagocytosis, they use faygocytosis.

Score: 0

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