Integral Jokes

Funny Integral Jokes
Score: 127

Hey gurl are you an integral? Because I'd gladly replace my x with u.

Score: 44

Hey girl, are you an integral? Because I'd like to find the area under your curves

Score: 31

Calculus jokes should be an integral part of this sub

Score: 26

A calculus joke... Person 1: What's the integral of 1/cabin with respect to cabin?

Person 2: A log cabin!

Person 1: No, a houseboat. You forgot to add the C!!

Score: 21

What's the integral of 1/(cabin)? 1 natural log cabin.

I'll show myself out.

Score: 13

Hey girl, are you an integral? Because I want to substitute u for my x.

Score: 8

Calculus should be taught in every high school around the world. It is such an integral field of math.

Score: 6

MATH JOKE: The ladies call me an integral ...because I fill the area under their curves

Score: 5

What is the integral of 1/cabin? You may have said log cabin. But just like I did on my calc 2 final, you forgot the “c”. It’s a houseboat.

Score: 5

I want to study... the area below your curves...

It is integral.

Score: 4

A: "What is the integral of 1/cabin?" B: "Log cabin!"

A: "Nope, Houseboat. You forgot the C."

Score: 4

What do you call an integral that doesn't like derivatives? An anti-derivative.

Score: 3

How did the teacher solve the integral of dx/(x^2((x^2)-4)^1/2)? I guess he had a few trig sub his sleeve

Score: 3

How does Donald Trump keep a handle on integral equations? He grabs them by the +c.

Score: 3

What's the integral of 1/(cabin) A natural log cabin.

Wait, I forgot the C

It's a flood victim house

Score: 3

My friend asked me to help him solve and integral with multiple X variables. I told him it sounds like a U problem

Score: 2

What is the mathematician’s favourite type of bread Integral bread

Score: 2

I'm tired of people hating on integral calculus for being so shallow! Integrals are more than just the sum of its parts!

Score: 2

They said calculus would be integral to my education I found it a little derivative.

Score: 2

What's the integral of 1/cabin with respect to cabin? A log cabin.

Score: 2

Just as my teachers said, math has proven useful in my everyday life. For example, yesterday I dropped my keys into a toilet and made an integral out of wire.

Score: 1

Ted Cruz, according to the news, IS planning THat Either cruZ Or his aDminIstrAtion will be Compiling their documents to maKe a IntegraL poLitical announcemEnt this afteRnoon [hope you can decrypt it]

Score: 1

What's the contour integral of western Europe? Zero, because the poles are in eastern Europe.

Score: 1

I don't get why everyone rips on calculus all the time. Sure, it's very difficult. But it contains many integral concepts.

Score: 1

Why was Franklin D. Roosevelt the most hardworking president? Because Work = Integral of FdR

Score: 1

Compile math puns! Give me all your math puns, it's integral!

Score: 1

Liberals are now saying that there are so many genders that they can’t be expressed in an integral fraction I’m progressive and all, but this just seems irrational

Score: 1

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