Ion Jokes

Sometimes I feel like a seal is just a neutral sea lion Neutral

As in

Without an ion

Score: 847
Funny Ion Jokes
Score: 307

I think I saw my friend with an extra electron... I'm going to keep an ion him.

Score: 135

An atom loses an electron... It says, "man, I really gotta keep an ion them."

Score: 65

What did the atom say when it lost an electron? I better keep an ion that.

Score: 45

What do you get when you wreck a Honda Accord into a Saturn Ion? An Accordion.

...I'll, uh, see myself out.

Score: 34

Lost an electron? Better keep an ion it.

Score: 32

Sometimes I feel a seal is just a neutral sea lion Neutral

as in

Without an ion

Score: 29

Looks like I just lost an electron... I need to keep a better ion them

Score: 26

What did the atom say after losing an electron? I really gotta keep an ion them.

Score: 26

Why did the lead acid battery have to tell the truth? Because if it didn't it would be Li-ion.

Score: 19

What do you call an ion that also raps? Fluoride, duh.

Score: 13

So a ion walks into a bar... So an ion walks into a bar and tells the bartender, "hey I may have lost an electron." Bartender asks in reply, "are you sure?" Ion answers, "yeah, I'm positive."

Score: 12

A positive ion stole an electron yesterday. He got away with no charge.

Score: 11

Seal loses electron Did you hear about the seal that lost an electron?
It's now a seal ion.

Score: 10

An ion walks into a bar and tells the bartender “I think I dropped an electron on the way in.” The bartender asks, “are you sure?” “I’m positive”

Score: 10

Don't lose your electrons. Keep an ion them.

Score: 10

How did the particle physicist escape his laboratory unseen? He created a diverse ion.

Score: 9

Cation Pronunciation : [kat-ahy-uhn,-on]

-Noun Chemistry

1.An ion with paws-tive charge.
2.The cutest ion ever.

Score: 7

What did the hydroxide ion say when it suddenly understood its purpose in life? OH-

Score: 7

An atom loses an electron… it says, “Man, I really gotta keep an ion them.”

Score: 6

Why can't you trust a Lithium Ion battery? Because they're always Li-ion!

Score: 5

What's the difference between a seal and a sealion? A seal is neutral but a seal ion has a positive or negative charge

Score: 5

TIFU by combining a hydroxide ion with nitric oxide. OH NO

Score: 5

Looking into buying a Saturn Ion sedan.. All the reviews I have read have been positive or negative.

Score: 4

What is the frat guy's favorite ion? Bromide

Score: 4

A sodium ion went to rob a bank. It was charged, without a doubt.

Score: 4

My friend H+ is very reactive... I always have to keep an ion him!

Score: 4

I saw an atom lose its electron He really should keep an ion it

Score: 4

What's the most careful particle? A caut ion.

Score: 4

What do the negative ion and the positive ion have in common? They're both in favor of net neutrality!

Score: 2

What does Iron Man become when he falls into water? Ion man.

Score: 2

Why is a Seal just a neutral Sea Lion? Because it doesn't have an *ion*

Score: 2

What did the retina say to the atom? I've got my ion you.

Score: 2

Why Were Sodium Chloride and Lithium Ion Arrested? For 'a salt' and battery :D

Score: 2

What is the favourite flower of a chemist? A dandel-ion

Score: 1

I kept getting kicked out of AA meetings for being too "preachy" and "unreservedly irrelevant". But they're living in the past and I want to help push us into the future... That's why I'd like to invite you to the inaugural meeting of Li-ion.

Score: 1

I removed electrons from a seal Got a seal-ion

Score: 1

I saw an atom lose its electron He really should keep an ion them

Score: 0

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