Jackass Jokes

A Texan says to a Harvard student... Texan: where are ya from?

Harvard Student: well, where *i'm* from, we don't end sentences with prepositions.

Texan: oh, alright. where are ya from, jackass?

Score: 337

What do a frozen beer, a burnt pizza, and a pregnant woman have in common? Some jackass forgot to take it out in time.

Score: 41

A Texan meets a Havard grad. Curious, he asks: Texan: “Where are you from?”

Harvard grad: “I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions.”

Texan: “Okay – where are you from, jackass?”

Score: 31
Funny Jackass Jokes
Score: 8

A successful woman needs four animals in her life... A jaguar in her garage, a mink in her closet, a tiger in her bed, and a jackass to pay for all of the above.

Score: 6

Every woman should have four pets... A mink in her closet, a Jaguar in her garage, a tiger in her bed...and a Jackass to pay for all of it

Score: 4

How do you keep a jackass in suspense? I’ll tell you tomorrow.

Score: 4

I called my brother a “jackass” for stealing government property from a public park. He took a fence.

Score: 3

Texan: “Where are you from?” *Harvard graduate: “I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions.”*

*Texan: “OK, where are you from, jackass?”*

Score: 3

What's the difference between the show Jackass and CNN news? Suits

Score: 2

I guess having tinted windows makes you a jackass. No one waves at me anymore.

Score: 2

I hated Shrek Eddie Murphy was just a real jackass

Score: 2

i called my daughter, Jacqueline, a jackass. She responded, "I'm a jacklinass, thank you very much!"

Score: 2

My spiritual animal is Eeyore I'm a depressed jackass

Score: 2

My tailor is an indecisive jackass. ​

He hems and hee-haws.


\--original as far as I know, FWIW

Score: 2

I told my boss that I wanted a raise. The boss, like a jackass, replied, "How much of a raise do you need to get the job done?"

"About five gallons of gasoline," I replied.

Score: 1

Texan: "Where are you from?" Harvard Graduate: "I come from a place where we do not end sentences with prepositions."

Texan: "Okay— where are you from, jackass?"

Score: 1

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