Javascript Jokes

The three most well known languages in India are English, Hindi, and... JavaScript

Score: 180
Funny Javascript Jokes
Score: 107

Don't trust javascript programmers All they do is promises but they never callback.

Score: 10

What's the difference between Java and JavaScript? Java and JavaScript are similar in the same way car and carpet are.

Score: 4

Why was the JavaScript developer sad? Because he didn't Node how to Express himself

Score: 4

Why do JavaScript programmers need glasses? Because they can't C#.

Score: 2

Why did the Javascript programmer wear glasses? Because he couldn't C#

Score: 2

Why did the JavaScript programmer need glasses? Because he couldn't C#

Score: 1

Why do the X-Men hate functional JavaScript programming? No mutation allowed.

Score: 1

Why does 2 ^ 3 = 1? Because JavaScript was designed by heretics.

Score: 1

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