"Just the bonuses for the CEO's on Wall Street equals the amount of what half of all American's make on minimum wage in a year" : New York Times But we have a national holiday today called Labor Day
A week from today, I'm going to an event at a dog genetics testing facility. It's called the Labor Day Labrador Laboratory.
Happy Labor Day Aka Mother's day 2.0
I had a terrible labor day weekend. My wife was in a horrible car crash and lost her left leg and left arm. She's all right now.
A maternity ward was overflowing one national holiday It was Labor day
What is the most confusing holiday in Detroit? Labor Day.
Why didn't Jason wear his hockey mask for Halloween? Because you don't wear white after Labor Day.
Today Americans celebrate Labor Day By not working and expecting to get paid for it.
What did children used to celebrate on thei r date of birth when Industrial Revolution took place? Labor day.
What is the day when most Babies are born? Well, I was always told it's Labor Day.
What are the two mom holidays? Mothers day and Labor day