Leadership Jokes

The interviewer asked me to show him an example of leadership skills. "OK," I replied. "I'm hired."

Score: 224

Why doesn't Donald Trump compare his leadership to Steve Jobs? Even *he* knows not to compare Apples and oranges.

Score: 52

David Cameron. What do you call David Cameron when he enters the houses of parliament? An inside joke.

What do you call David Cameron when he's late for the bus? A running joke.

What do you call David Cameron's leadership skills? A bad joke.

Score: 11

What is the proper term for a nation without coherent leadership? Unpresidented

The United States is currently in an unpresidented situation.

Score: 7

I heard that roles in leadership positions are good jobs... ...but tell that to Kim Jong Un, he's a dictator with a failing Korea

Score: 3

The most important quality for Americas leadership. America needs a hero who Ken Bone.

Score: 2

Chess is the only game which reflects on the poor state of male leadership The poor king can take only one step at a time.

Score: 1

Grenade toss: How do you measure leadership? 1.75 pints at a time.

Score: 1

What do social media influencers call it when they begin sharing their insights on how they got to where they are today? Thot Leadership.

Score: 1

What is the most dangerous leadership job in the world? Being head of France

Score: 0