Left Handed Jokes

Funny Left Handed Jokes
Score: 123

Husband has 6 months to live Asks his wife, "Will you marry again?"

She says she supposes so, eventually.

"Will he sleep in our bed"?

She says of course he will.

"Will you let him use my golf clubs?"

"No, he couldn't use them. He's left handed."

Score: 85

I got a new pair of gloves today, but they're both left handed... On one hand it's great, but on the other it's just not right.

Score: 46

My girlfriend broke up with me so I started dating her twin sister I'm not left handed but i'll have to make do until the doctor removes the cast

Score: 41

I never date left handed women Righty Tighty

Lefty Loosey

Score: 39

I made a sideshow of guessing whether you're right or left handed just by asking your favorite color. I'm very proud of my 90% success rate.

Score: 33

I just really hate how some people just don’t respect us left handed people. It just isn’t right

Score: 27

Scientists have discoverded that left handed people... ...have more advantages in day to day life than no handed people.

Score: 14

I don't trust left handed people. there is something not right about them.

Score: 10

If I die first, will you remarry, asks the wife. I'm in good health so why not, says the husband.
Will she live in this house
Its all paid for so yes.
Will she drive my car.
Its new so yes.
Will she use my golf clubs.
No, she's left handed.

Score: 8

I don't trust left handed people They're never right

Score: 6

Left handed people can't do anything right. That... that's it. That's the joke. You don't get it? Then you're probably left handed.

Score: 3

Left handed people in the past. Why did people back in the day not accept left handed people?

Because it wasn't right.

I'm sorry bye.

Score: 3

Why do left handed people always write incorrectly? Their right hand has nothing left and their left hand has nothing right.

Score: 3

If I hate left handed people... would that make me a right supremacist?

Score: 3

Why are left handed girls more fun? Righty tighty lefty loosey

Score: 3

A left handed man was arrested the other day... They say his smear campaign ruined a number of decent characters.

Score: 3

I got a new pair of gloves today But there was some kind of mistake they were both left handed now on one hand that's great, but on the other it's just not right

Score: 3

I opened a left handed store that didn't end up working out Everyone kept telling me it just wasn't right.

Score: 2

What’s a tacky store for left handed merchandise in Quebec or Paris called? How Gauche.

Score: 2

A co worker of mine is left handed and claims that left handed people are better in all aspects of life That’s just not right

Score: 2

Why are North Koreans always left handed? Because they have no rights.

Score: 2

Did you know Matthew McConaughey is left handed? Just kidding, he's alright alright alright.

Score: 1

My doctor was a prejudice against left handed people. Today he correctly diagnosed me with a disease because I was left handed. I guess he was right.

Score: 1

I hear you never date left handed woman.. Him: Nope..
Her: why though?
Him: Righty tighty , lefty loosey

Score: 1

13 left handed belt buckles walk into a bar... ....bartender picks up the phone, looks at the 5th left handed belt buckle in line and says "well ill be damned, if it isnt one ball bill"

Score: 1

A wife asked her husband, "If I died would you remarry?" "Eventually," he says.

"Would you let her wear my clothes?"

"I suppose, if she wanted."

"Would you let her wear my jewelry?"

"I don't see why not."

Would you let her use my golf clubs?"

"No, she's left handed."

Score: 1

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