Linux Jokes

Funny Linux Jokes
Score: 873

What is a Linux user's favorite game? sudo ku

EDIT: First post with 100+ upvotes. Thanks all you people :D

Score: 487

A Linux sysadmin walks into a pharmacy A Linux sysadmin walks into a pharmacy.


"I can't serve you that"


"There you go".

Score: 456

Dad, what are clouds made of? Linux servers, mostly.

Score: 118

A Linux Joke In computing, what's the only way to generate a truly random string?

Put a Windows user in front of VI and tell him to quit.

Score: 113

A young child asks his father, "Daddy, what are clouds made of?" "Mostly Linux servers."

Score: 45

Why are linux geeks very introvertish ? Because they never get out of their shell

Score: 36

[Computers] Why do Linux admins always take Xanax? Because they're constantly battling their daemons.

Score: 9

I think Debian Linux.... .... has a very `apt` package manager.

Score: 8

Q: What is printed on the bottom of a bottle in Michigan? (Found on /r/linux) A: Open the other end

Score: 7

How would you know if someone uses Linux-GNU? Don't worry, they will tell you

Score: 6

A Linux user, a vegan, and an atheist walk into a bar.... I know because they told everybody there

Score: 6

Why do people on the iss use linux You can't open windows in space

Score: 6

Why do vampire's use linux? Because they don't like windows in their house. Ba^Dum^Tss

Score: 5

Why do Linux admins tend to work in basements? Because they hate Windows.

Score: 5

What do you call a group of Linux users? *Club Penguin.*

Score: 4

What were the favorite Linux text editors of 8 randomly selected Monty Python fans? vim, vim, vim, vim, vim, vim, emacs, and vim.

Score: 3

I just donated some money to the maintainers of a Linux distribution derived from Red Hat \*tips fedora\*

Score: 3

You go in for an interview for a Linux programming job... ...and you are asked for an example of your linux programming abilities,
so you type into the terminal "sudo apt-get JOB"

Score: 3

So a network specialist comes up to me and says "do you wanna here a joke?" There was a Linux error

Score: 3

Why do prostitutes use Linux? It's open to the public

Score: 3

How would you spot a linux user? Don't worry they will tell you themselves!

Score: 3

Most appliances use a Linux based OS But washing machines have windows

Score: 3

Boys are PCs, girls are Macs and non-binary people are Linux

Score: 3

Learning with Linus. Hi. My name is Linus Torvalds and today I will be teaching you how to manage threads and resolve conflicts*.

^*In ^Linux ^development ^mailing ^lists.

Score: 2

Disappointed that there will be no Call of Cthulhu client for Linux I wanted to go insane installing *and* playing the game.

Score: 2

GNU/Linux can't run Photoshop.. unless you offer it WINE.
Else you will remain stuck with a GIMPed system.

Score: 2

How to make Gnu/Linux run Photoshop? You serve it WINE.

Score: 2

What does a dyslexic Linux SysAdmin have for breakfast? cron flakes

Score: 2

Met a guy once who rapped about nothing but Linux systems His name was 50CentOS

Score: 2

What's a neckbeards favorite linux os? Fedora

(cricket cricket)

Score: 1

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