Mango Jokes

A man walks into a bar with a newt on his shoulder. He asks for a coke and a mango juice for his newt Tiny.

The bartender asks “Why is he called Tiny?”

And the man replies “Because he’s my newt!”

Edit: I have replied to the comments and removed my edits

Score: 1396

What do you do if your boyfriend hates fruit jokes? You let the ManGo!

Score: 24
Funny Mango Jokes
Score: 14

Girlfriend, if he don't appreciate fruit puns... You need to let that mango.

Score: 14

A male magician disappeared into a fruit, Where do the mango?

Score: 13

My wife is on a tropical food diet and the house if full of the stuff... It's enough to make a mango crazy.

Score: 9

Where did the mango go? I don't know, the mango goes where the mangoes

Score: 7

In Jamaica, how do you know if a mango is ripe? Pokémon Go!

Score: 6

A major detergent manufacturer is to release a new range of fruit scents, including apple, tomato, orange, banana and mango They're going to call it "Tide Pods - Natural Selection"

Score: 6

What is a recently divorced woman's favorite fruit? Mango!

Score: 5

My uncle once told me to go to the basement and get Naked, I asked him whether he wanted Mighty Mango or Berry Blast.

Score: 4

Why is a fruit tree like a laxative? They both make a mango!

Score: 4

What does someone who ate 4 mangoes say? Ladies and gentlemen, this is mango number 5!

Score: 4

What do you get when you cross an Indian smoothie with a rescue dog? Mango Lassie

Score: 3

What’s a feminist’s favorite fruit? A mango.

Score: 3

A guy kept trying to sell me fruits I told him Mango

Score: 3

What's a Scottish transsexual's favourite drink? Mango Lassi

Score: 2

Fruits Joke Apple: I look like a Human Heart ---
Mango: I look like a Stomach ---
Grapes: I look like Eyes ---
Banana: I Hate This Game

Score: 2

What is the similarity between lemon and banana? Can't make mango juice outta them.

Score: 2

Did you hear about the husband on the tropical fruit diet? It’s enough to make a mango crazy!

Score: 2

What do you call a Scottish girl with a fake tan in an Indian restaurant? A mango lassie

Score: 2

What do you say when you see a speedy fruit? Wow, look at that Mango!

Score: 2

Usain bolt must be a fruit Have you seen that mango

(hopefully OC)

Score: 2

What do you call a dog who warns you about danger at the yogurt drink factory? Mango Lassi

Score: 2

Why did the mango flop on the floor Because he was depressed

Score: 2

I want to create a petition to switch the names of Mango and Coffee. Because Coffee makes Man go

Score: 2

Deathrow's last meal The officer asks the inmate what would be his last meal . The inmate replies " I want mangos". Officer says,"its not mango season yet". Inmate says, "I guess I would just have to wait "

Score: 1

I've always been fruitless in my attempts to crossbreed a mango and a tangerine, until she showed up... Apparently it does take two to tango.

Score: 1

What was Houdini's favorite fruit? Mango

Score: 1

What did the fruit say before he went into the boxing ring? (OC) "My mango is to juice the competition."

Score: 1

What is Pikachu's favorite fruit? Poke-mango.

Score: 1

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