Newfie Jokes

A wife asks her newfie husband to stop by the grocery store on the way home... She tells him, "pick up a loaf of bread, and if they have eggs, get a dozen"

He comes home later with 12 loaves of bread

Score: 14
Funny Newfie Jokes
Score: 9

How do you get a one armed newfie out of a tree? Wave.

Score: 5

Why was the Newfie excited when he heard Quebec might leave Canada? It wouldn't take him as long to drive to Toronto

Score: 5

Give a Newfie a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a Newfie to fish, He’ll draw unemployment all winter long.

Score: 4

What is long and hard on a Newfie? Grade 1.

Score: 3

Do you know how the first Newfie got to Montreal? They were playing hockey on the St Lawrence and he got a breakaway.

Score: 2

I heard that a small Cessna crashed into a cemetery in Newfoundland. They count over 200 victims since recovery efforts started.(a joke from my newfie neighbor)

Score: 2

newfie joke How did the newfie injure himself raking leaves?

He fell out of the tree

Score: 1

A Newfie walks into a doctor's office... And says
"Doc b'y, I tinks I got dat H2N2 disease." Doctor replied
"ummm...don't you mean H1N1?"
Newfie says
"No b'y, dis is twice as bad as dat!"

Score: 1

Why do most newfie men have beards or mustaches? They wanna look just like their mothers.

Score: 1

How do you confuse a Newfie ? Tell him to go into a room designed as a circle,
and pee in a corner.

How does a Newfie confuse you ?

He replies 2 minutes later "Done".

Score: 1

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