Nutrition Jokes

Funny Nutrition Jokes
Score: 34

What do nutrition labels and tumblr have in common? They're both full of trans fats

Score: 17

My nutrition store ran out of protein powder today I was like “no whey”!

Score: 16

Tide is fully embracing their new consumers with their new Tide Pod containers... They just changed their “active ingredients” to “nutrition facts”.

Score: 5

What does a woman want? Equality

What does a man want?

Happy Woman’s Day!!

Score: 4

It turns out scientists have found a cure for weeaboos. It was a nutrition problem all along! Too much manganese.

Score: 3

I don't know what all these "Nutrition Facts" competitions are on the back of all my food. But Fat is always winning.

Score: 2

If a biologist studies biology and a nutritionist studies nutrition Trump must be an expert at studying races.

Score: 2

I’m surprised by the nutrition facts of a gun! It’s only .50 cal

Score: 1

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