Photoshop Jokes

Some people say theres 2 kinds of pirates; theres the "yo ho ho" or the "yarrggh". I belong to an exclusive third group called: "I'm not paying $500 for photoshop".

Score: 137

I see that software legend Photoshop is turning 25 this week. Actually, it's turning 38. It just looks 25.

Score: 57

My friend asked me if I were an "arr" pirate or a "yo ho ho" one I told him I'm an "I'm not paying 600$ for Photoshop" type of pirate

Score: 28
Funny Photoshop Jokes
Score: 27

Which store do the Kardashians put most of their time and energy into? Photoshop

Score: 23

Doctor: "Your x-ray showed a broken rib... ... but we fixed it with Photoshop."

Score: 16

You were so beautiful, until your 30 day trial of photoshop ended.

Score: 13

I saw a pirate finally purchase Adobe Photoshop. He handed the cashier a hook and a peg.

Score: 3

Teach a man how to meme and they'll make a few people laugh Teach a man how to photoshop EA's logo on a picture and he'll get gold.

Score: 3

Did you hear about the dyslexic guy who was made homeless by a bug in Photoshop? He has no fixed Adobe

Score: 3

Baby you were beautiful Until your Photoshop 30 days trial expired

Score: 2

GNU/Linux can't run Photoshop.. unless you offer it WINE.
Else you will remain stuck with a GIMPed system.

Score: 2

How to make Gnu/Linux run Photoshop? You serve it WINE.

Score: 2

What do you call a program that creates and sells pictures? A Photoshop

Score: 2

My daughter wanted to photoshop over my face, but I wouldn’t let her... I’d feel too E-mask-ulated.

Score: 2

The Beauty and the Beast story is just like Adobe Photoshop It wouldn't work the same without smart objects

Score: 2

It is national talk like a pirate day! "Arrgh, I'm not paying $250 for the copywrite version of photoshop."

Score: 2

What’s a photoshop artist’s least favorite tool? Exposure

Score: 1

15 year old sis of mine tried to show off her photoshop skills I said it's just a minor editing

Score: 0

What do you call a skinny feminist? Photoshop.

I saw this somewhere. Can you guys explain?

Score: 0

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