Ping Pong Jokes

I just got a new doorbell that when the button is pressed has a gorilla singing about table tennis. It's called The King Kong Ping Pong Sing Song Ding Dong

Score: 11
Funny Ping Pong Jokes
Score: 3

What's something green and white that can kill you of you eat it? A ping pong table.

I'll let myself out...

Score: 2

The Tennis Playing Midget Did you hear about the midget who died playing tennis? He fell off the ping pong table.

Score: 2

A monkey called King Kong went to Hong Kong to play ping pong and have a sing-song. What noise does his doorbell make? Buzz

Score: 1

What do you call a Jedi playing ping pong? The paddlewan.

Score: 1

What's Chinese and climbs the Empire State Building? Ping Pong

Score: 1

Why is the best name for a server "Pong"? If you want to check if it's working, you need to `ping pong`

Score: 1

If a giant ape and a table-tennis champion got into a fight over a karaoke machine... Would the newspaper headline be 'King Kong Ping Pong Sing Song Ding Dong?’

Score: 1

What game does King Kong play? Ping Pong

Score: 0

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