A Prius just tried to race me from a stop sign. I totally had it for the first 100 feet... But I can only walk so fast.
Yesterday I got into an accident with a prius...
Yesterday I was on the highway and rear ended a prius.
We both pulled over and a dwarf gets out of the prius.
He walks up to my car and says "Hey mister, I'm not happy!"
I say "then which one are you?"
Where did this concept of kidnappers using white vans come from? I mean, I just use my Prius, stop being so stereotypical, jeez.
I beat a Prius today... Thank goodness I had on my running shoes.
Why is owning a Prius difficult? It's hard to drive when you're patting yourself on the back all the time.
A vegan, an Italian and a Prius owner walk into a bar. I know this because they told me when they walked in the door.
Yo mama so fat! Her Prius gets 12mpg.
I saw a Prius crash into a Subaru Outback the other day... There was granola everywhere.
A Prius just tried to race me from a stop sign.
I totally had it for the first 10 feet...
But I can only walk so fast
Did you hear about the new hybrid car? It's a cross between the Prius and the Prizm. They call it the priapism.
What did the interracial couple name their child? Prius, because it’s a hybrid.
Why did the cave buy a Prius? He heard somewhere that it was echo-friendly...
My Prius had an oil leak Had to pay for a tampon to stop it up
How do you turn a fruit into a vegetable? Cut the brake lines on his Prius.
What do you call a Hasbro Prius? A Toy Yoda.
My GF says I drive aggressively. I drive a Prius.
Scott Prius resigns... Scott Pruitt resigns from EPA today siting intense pressure from Trump administration to change his last name to “Prius”...