Psychiatry Jokes

Mind=blown I once knew a hooker who was studying psychiatry. For $20 she'd blow your mind.

Score: 15
Funny Psychiatry Jokes
Score: 4

Mentally Disabled Job interview in a psychiatry: 

So you’re interested in working with us. What is your experience with mentally disturbed people?
I’ve been on Facebook for 5 years now.
Very good, the job is yours.

Score: 2

I received a medal for achievement in psychiatry. I wear it proudly. It’s ornamental.

Score: 2

Moth man A man walks into the surgical ward of the hospital. He tells the nurse, "I think I'm a moth"
Nurse says, "This is surgery, Psychiatry is on the 3rd floor".
Man says, "I know, but you had the light on"

Score: 1

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