What grows when you plant a pumpkin spice latte and water it with vodka? A sorority.
Overheard at Starbucks:
Man: Would you like to try a pumpkin spice latte?
Woman: No. Since Trump came on the scene I am boycotting everything orange.
Yo momma's so fat If she were a spice girl, she would be pumpkin spice.
Did you know that most coffee flavorings have a low pH? Except pumpkin spice because it's so basic
I think my mirror is broken I said pumpkin spice latte 3 times in front of it and no white girl in yoga pants appeared.
We got our Seasonal bulk in at work today and got Pumpkin Spice Motor Oil. It's for Autumnmobiles
Why do I add baking soda to my pumpkin spice lattes? To make them even more basic.
I just came up with Trump's inauguration drink
I call it, "Make America Smashed Again"
It's a White Russian with pumpkin spice.
Center for Disease Control: overconsumption of beta-carotene linked to dangerous rise in pH of blood In other words, pumpkin spice lattes make you basic.
I heard someone call pumpkin spice lattes basic... but they are wrong, lattes have a pH below 7
I created a robot that serves me pumpkin spice lattes... Naturally, I coded in BASIC
What did the white girl say when she found out pumpkin spice lattes were considered basic? "My whole life is a lye!"
IPAs are just pumpkin spiced lattes for white men That is all
Who is the most basic Spice Girl? Pumpkin Spice.
I have seasonal allergies. I’m allergic to pumpkin spice.
This is getting ridiculous.. Only two days into October and now even COVID is pumpkin spiced.
A pumpkin spice latte is like pure sodium hydroxide. They're both extremely basic.
What's the PH of pumpkin spice? Basic.
A yoga pants owner, an uggs owner, and an iphone owner walks into a starbucks She orders a drink - Pumpkin Spice Latte
What is Alabama's favorite flavor? Pumpkin Spice
The car dealership near me is having a fall deal: “You heard it here folks, it’s back, free pumpkin spiced oil changes with every tire change!”