Call me a racist if you want, but south of the border is a sea of violence, corruption and stupidity I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
I just thank my lucky stars I live in Canada.
Edit: Sorry.
One day, Canada will become a superpower and take over the whole world Then you'll all be sorry
What borders stupidity?
Mexico & Canada
Edit: Wow, people can't take a joke....
Edit 2: Ayy nice flair
Build the wall
Call me a racist if you want, but south of the border is a sea of violence, corruption, and stupidity I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
I just thank my lucky stars I live in Canada.
Canada's starting a space program to send a spaceship to the moon They're calling the spaceship Apollo-G.
One day Canada will rule the world Then you'll all be sorry
One day Canada will take over the world. Then we'll all be sorry.
Electing Trump would really strengthen our dollar
What borders stupidity? Canada and Mexico.
Call me a racist if you want, but south of the border is a sea of violence, corruption and stupidity I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. I just thank my lucky stars I live in Canada.
50% of Canada Is the letter A
My grandfather survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Being in Canada helped.
I just found out Canada isn’t real Turns out it was all just mapleleaf
Your favorite drink must be ginger ale..... cause you leave every girl in Canada Dry.
What do Saudi Arabia and Canada have in common? In both countries, it's legal to get stoned.
People are always saying Americans are fat, violent, and above all else, stupid But every time I see one of those statistics maps about how terrible we are, there's this little country on the northwest border of Canada that's just as bad as we are.
Two clowns are running for public office... It's funny for me though because I live in Canada.
My neighbor is loud and obnoxious Now I know how Canada feels
One day Canada will conquer the world. Everybody will be sorry.
In Canada, we don't call the homeless homeless...
We call them "three seasoners".
They don't make it through the fourth.
How much of northern Canada is livable? *Nunavut*
How did they name Canada? They picked letters out of a hat: C eh, N eh, D eh.
Why are Canadians always over qualified for jobs in the US? Because zero degrees in Canada is the same as 32 in the States.
What's Canada's intelligence agency called? The C.I. Eh
People should not move to Canada because of Trump They should go to Mexico, then at least there will be a wall between them and Trump.
One day Canada will rule the world And we'll all be sorry!
Our country needs a border wall. South of the border is nothing but criminals, disgusting people, and entitled people and their government does nothing about it. Just to be clear, I live in Canada.
I love summer in Canada! It's my favorite day of the year!
You may not believe that today is Canada's 150th Birthday... It's Trudeau...
What's Canada's spy agency? The CI, eh?
One day canada will conquer the world And then you'll all be sorry
Some day Canada will rule the world. Then you'll all be sorry.
My new neighbour is fat, obnoxious and loud... Now I know how Canada feels
"Y'know with all the civil unrest, political corruption, class divides, drug smuggling, gang wars, police brutality, gun violence, and poor education maybe building a wall to protect us from our southern neighbors isn't such a bad idea" \- Canada
My neighbours are really obnoxious and crass So now I know how Canada feels...
Winter is like Justin Bieber It was cute and fun at first, but now it's obnoxious and should probably stay in Canada.
The founding fathers of Canada are sitting in front of a map filling in names for cities...
Pierre: "I suppose the capital there should have a name, too, me."
Gaton "ought to, uh?"
How will Donald Trump create 25 millions jobs? By having 25 million people move to Canada.
I don't care what anybody says but everybody below the border are a bunch of violence loving drug addicted ungrateful idiots I live in Canada by the way
Immigration custom asks Jose: What can you do in Canada? Jose: “can nada”?
People sometime ask me what brought my family to Canada I tell them my dad was just stationed here during the Vietnam war
They say the president of Canada does not like to dress up like a black person. But it's Trudeau.
How did they decide on the spelling of Canada?
They pulled letters out of a hat
"C", eh?
"N", eh?
"D", eh?
humour and beverage There was this Irishman who saw an advertising sign that said "Drink Canada Dry" so he went
What’s it called when your three amigos are headed to Canada but there’s a border wall and the U.S. to get through? Trespassing
It only takes 3 letters to spell Canada C, eh, N, eh, D, eh
Did you hear about the legal brothel in Canada? "Yeah I hear all the girls are real dolls."
I was crossing the border from USA to Canada, and the border patrol Mountie asked me if I had any guns.
I said, “what do you need?”
Steve Wright gets credit
Most people done believe me when I tell them Canada's Prine Minister as well as many Canadians can't pronounce the "th" sound when speaking in english, but ... ... it's Trudeau.
Justin Bieber is like winter. Kind of cute and exciting in the beginning, but after its all said and done you wish he would have stayed in Canada.
How did Canada get its name?
It pulled out letters from a hat.
C eh , N eh, D eh.
What's Canada's favorite game? SORRY!
I live in Canada and I took a test today I got an Eh+
How did Canada get it’s name?
Well three Canadian men decided to put a bunch of letters in a hat. They each picked out one letter and proceeded to say what they got...
Canadian1: I got C eh
Canadian2: I got N eh
Canadian3: I got d eh
My redhead friend named Albert drinks Canada Dry every day I call him Ginger Al
What's the difference between the types of Indians who live in Canada?
One type moves to Canada and opens up restaurants, the other type already have reservations.
With all of these Muslims coming into Canada Racisim is suddenly a lot more complicated, it's not so black-and-white anymore.
I saw a sign that said "Drink Canada Dry" Just finished the Maritimes, now I'm making my way west
What's my favorite part of Canada? Nunavut, really.
Chinese guy at work says... Canada's national food is hot dogs in front of Canadian Tire
If USA invaded Canada, Russia would save them... Because they've got poutine!
What does America have which Canada doesn't have? A good neighbour.
What is Canada's favorite game? Sorry!
Why are there no knock knock jokes about Canada? Unfortunately, I do not have the answer to this. I am extremely sorry. Please feel free to join me for some maple syrup while thinking about the upcoming hockey season!
Why are there no knock knock jokes about Canada? Because everyone is welcome in.
You get to choose between visiting Canada's largest territory, or all the provinces together. It's either all of it or Nunavut
What's the difference between Justin Trudeau and a baker?
While a dozen can go from 12 to 13, it's the other way around for the regions of Canada.
If your in Canada and need the Canadian Police
Just have an argument without saying "Please", "Thank you", or "Sorry".
How was the name Canada chosen? C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?
Here is a Canada day joke! How do you get 50 rowdy drunk Canadians out of a pool? You ask them to please get out of the pool.
I noticed in Canada websites end in .ca, in the U.S. with .com. I'm willing to wager that in Russia it ends with -cam.
what's the speed limit in Canada? 10 km over
How do Canadians spell "Canada"? C. Eh! N. Eh! D. Eh!
An American guy was pulled over on a highway in Canada...
The cop said "Do you know how fast you were going?!"
The American guy said "I'm not sure why you're even pulling me over, but yes, I was doing 110 - just like the speed limit sign says."
To name Canada, they just pulled letters out of a hat.
C eh,
N eh,
D eh.
Quebec, Canada is currently experiencing record breaking flooding It's a good thing frogs can swim
What language do they speak in Canada? Ehnglish.
I have heard that the PM of Canada has a pet moose... Is it Trudeau?
Winter is like the Justin Bieber of seasons It's cute and exciting when it first starts out but then it gets obnoxious and should stay in Canada.
Canada got its name by accident.
Originally it was called canad.
But every time someone asked how to spell it.
"That's easy C-A-N-A-D, eh".
What do you call a witty man in Canada? A tourist.
What borders obesity? Mexico and Canada
How did they come up with the name Canada? They put all the letters in a bag, then drew them one at a time. "Its a C, eh its an N, eh, its a D, eh."
Border crossing I was driving back to Canada with my family when we came to the border. After a short wait in line, we get to the guard booth, and he asks if I have anything to declare. With a sigh, I turn to my wife and say, "Honey, I want a divorce."
In what world does 75 cents equal a dollar? Canada.
Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau run a 100-meter race...
Trudeau easily overtakes Trump and wins.
Minutes later, the White House tweets a press note:
"President Trump won prestigious silver in US-Canada race. The Canadian showed up second-to-last."
The weather in Canada is like a dubstep It's so nice and warm, but all of a sudden it it d-d-d-drops the tempº
Why is the music award show in Canada called the Junos? Because everytime someone wins, everyone goes "Juno who that is?"
TIL now the country of Canada got its name!
The government got a bag of scrabble letters and decided they would name their country after the first letters they pulled out! According to historical records it went like this:
"C ay, N ay, D ay..."
What do you call a Asian born in Canada Ehsian
Why was the Newfie excited when he heard Quebec might leave Canada? It wouldn't take him as long to drive to Toronto
Canada has the Canadian goose, what does Jamaica have? The mongoose.
Dear Canada, as a thank you for sending us Justin Bieber We are sending you Miley Cyrus, Whoopie Goldberg and Rosie O'Donnell
If Trump wins, why should you move to Mexico instead of Canada? Because there'll be an actual wall keeping you from Trump
Why I hated my trip to Canada It was a nice country, but as soon as I saw the flag is just wanted to *leaf*
What do you call Justin Bieber's singing? Canada Dry.
A Spaniard moves to Canada. After his flight lands, he goes to get some dinner.
He orders pork. A local asks him why.
>"Por qué?" is Spanish for "Why?". It also sounds like "Pork, eh?" which the local (Canadian) says.
What's the capital of British Columbia, Canada? [Removed]
Whats the difference between my super hot girlfriend and Canada? Canada is real.