Riddle Jokes

If there's a bee in my hand, what's in my eye? Beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

ITT: People who want to kill me, people who think I am their dad, more puns about bees, puns about beer, "oh I get it", and "this joke is more like a riddle"

Score: 2584

What starts with e, ends with e, and only contains one letter? an Envelope
EDIT: My deepest Canadian apologies to those who are calling this a riddle. I always took it as a cheesy joke

Score: 2159

90% of people are unable to solve this riddle by guessing the opposite of each word. Always











Score: 1192
Funny Riddle Jokes
Score: 495

Q: How many geeks does it take to ruin a joke? A: You mean nerd, not geek. And not joke, but riddle. Proceed.

Score: 396

Riddle: A King has 3 cups in front of him. The first two cups are full, the third cup is empty. What is the King's name?? King Philip III

Score: 309

What do you call a bad riddle? Voldemort

Score: 195

While I was living in Japan a woman approached me on the train... She said to me, "What's black and white and red all over?"

"Wow," I said, "You can speak English?"

"Just a riddle," she said.

Score: 169

Why couldn't the tree solve the Lumberjack's riddle? He was stumped.

Score: 35

(Riddle)Everyone I love is dead. Who am I? A necrophiliac

Score: 27

Riddle me this, Batman. What do you find in an alley that has holes in it? "M-my parents?"

"No! A bowling ball! I'm so sorry..."

Score: 24

Can someone solve this riddle? What starts with an "E" and ends with an "E", but only has one letter?

What am I?

Score: 15

More of a riddle, actually. I happen once a year, but twice a week.
You can easily find me in a store, but you won't see me in a mall.

What am I?

Score: 15

Riddle me this: What's Hot N Red, Best in Bed? A bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos cause I'm alone

Score: 13

Riddle: What has wings but can't fly, legs but can't walk, and a mouth but can't speak? A dead bird

Score: 9

Why couldn't the cut down tree answer a riddle? It was stumped.

Score: 8

A dark riddle. What has four limbs in the morning, two limbs in the afternoon, and is dead by evening?

A disobedient slave.

Score: 8

You're hungry. In the fridge there is a bag of bread, jar of jam, a can of tuna, and some milk. To answer the riddle, what do you open first? This thread!

Score: 8

Here’s a Riddle for you What has 4 letters, Sometimes has 9 and never has 5?

Score: 8

A riddle Who's got orange skin, poor speaking skills, is overwhelmingly disliked and is in over his head?

Yeah, I know, too easy right?

It's Jar Jar Binks

Score: 7

I have glasses but cannot see. I have feet but cannot walk. What am I? A riddle.

Score: 6

Riddle me this Which does not belong:

* Nipple clamps
* Soy
* Vibrator

The nipple clamps, the other two are meat substitutes.

Score: 6

[Riddle] See H side by side, you are inside. If you are in IT, you are E. Church Furniture

Score: 6

I told a riddle to a double amputee once Boy did it leave him stumped

Score: 5

What's the worst kind of riddle? Being riddled with bullets

Score: 5

Courtesy of my 9yo: What do you call a snake that tells jokes? A riddle snake.

Score: 5

I read a riddle with a picture of an eye, a child, a finger pointing at me, and a knot I kid you not, that's what it was

Score: 4

A Riddle Why did the clock go back 4 seconds?

It was hungry.

Score: 4

I'm Full of Riddles. Riddle A:
What is the longest word in the dictionary?

S**mile**s because there is a mile between the S's.

Riddle B:

What has hands but cannot clap?

A clock!

Riddle Cya L8ter:

How do you make the #1 disappear?

Add a **G** to it and it's G**one**.


Score: 4

The chicken or the egg: I have solved the riddle The rooster came first

Score: 4

What's the difference between a good riddle and my boyfriend? Beats me.

Score: 3

Yesterday, when my girlfriend came home, I said:: "Hi, Sweetie! I've got another riddle for you. What has four legs, and doesn't move?"
She answered: "That's easy... A chair!"
-"Wrong! It's your sweet Corgi-dog..."

Score: 2

Lame Riddle Use these four words in a sentence:

defeat, deduct, defense, detail

answer in comments

Score: 2

What's a German's favorite riddle book? Mind Kramp

Score: 1

What do you call a riddle told by a prostitute? A trick question

Score: 1

What do you call a riddle that is easy to crack? A brittle.

Score: 1

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