Rorschach Jokes

I googled "Rorschach Test" But all that came up were pictures of my parents fighting

Score: 1993
Funny Rorschach Jokes
Score: 1385

Who is this Rorschach guy? And why did he draw so many pictures of my parents fighting?

Score: 1077

Who is this rorschach guy..... and why does he paint all these pictures of my parents fighting.

Score: 172

So, I googled the “Rorschach” test the other day.. All I could find were pictures of my parents fighting..

Score: 114

I googled what a Rorschach test was But all I found were pictures of my parents fighting. Weird.

Score: 95

Who is this Rorschach guy? And why does he always paint my parents fighting?

Score: 79

I don't know who this Rorschach guy is, but he is really good at drawing pictures of my disappointed father. Credit to one of the writers of the Daily Show when I saw him do stand up, but I don't remember the name.

Score: 45

Who is this Rorschach guy?? And why did he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting?

Score: 43

Who is this Rorschach guy? And why does he keep making paintings of my parents fighting?

Score: 39

Who is Rorschach and why has he painted so many pictures of my parents arguing?

Score: 38

Who is this Rorschach guy? And why does he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting?

Score: 35

Man this rorschach guy is really creepy He keeps drawing pictures of my parents arguing

Score: 30

I don't know who this Rorschach guy is but..... Why does he keep drawing pictures of my parents fighting?

Score: 27

So who is this "Rorschach" guy... ...And why does he love drawing pictures of naked men?

Score: 25

Look I don’t know who this “Rorschach” guy is But he’s got some nerve painting my parents fighting so often

Score: 22

My friend asked me if I thought a girl's shirt looked like a Rorschach test... I replied, "Where is she? Is she behind the girl wearing a shirt of my parents fighting?"

Score: 20

Who's this Rorschach dude? And why is he so good at drawing pictures of my mom beating me?

Score: 18

My psychiatrist made me do a Rorschach test today... ...but I don’t get it, she just kept on showing me pictures of my parents fighting.

Score: 18

What's up with that Rorschach guy? Why does he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting?

Score: 15

That Rorschach guy is a pervert, all he draws are penises.

Score: 10

I'm not real familiar with who this Rorschach guy is... ...but he sure loves painting pictures of naked dudes.

Score: 8

I don't believe the Rorschach test works, you know the therapy ink block test thing!? I don't know who it is but they keep just painting pictures of my parents fighting

Score: 8

Does anyone know who this Rorschach guy is? He keeps drawing pictures of my parents fighting

Score: 7

I dunno who this Rorschach guy is Or why he’s so obsessed with drawing dicks

Score: 7

Have you guys ever heard of this artist Rorschach? All he does is draw pictures of dicks. Over and over and over.

Score: 7

Who is this Rorschach guy? And why does he paint pictures of my parents beating me?

Score: 6

Who's this Rorschach guy... And why does he paint so many penises?

Score: 4

Who's this Rorschach guy, And why does he keep on painting pictures of people getting murdered?

Score: 4

Who is this Rorschach Inkblot guy? And why does he make so many weird paintings of my parents fighting..

Score: 3

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