Did you know there are no Walmarts in Syria? ...only Targets
Why are there no Walmarts in Syria? Because there's a Target at every corner.
What's the national bird of Syria A US drone
I Hear that Russia is so mad about the US airstrike in syria That they are seriously considering voting democratic in the next election.
What do you call a piece of sandpaper in Syria? A map.
Does syria have any walmarts? No, only targets.
"You da bomb." "No, you da bomb"
America: compliments
Syria: arguments
I was told, if I voted for Hillary, they predicted Obamacare would continue and we'd go to war with Syria... I did, and the predictions came true!
So I recently opened a suicide bomb shop in Syria, and it's doing great! Prophets are going through the roof.
I think the $250 million we spent on bombs for Syria would have been better going to schools in our own country Then there wouldn’t be any teachers left to give raises to.
Good news in Syria today Just kidding
Why are there no K-marts in syria Because there are targets everywhere
Why are there no walmarts in Syria Because there's a target on every corner
Syria has a lot of nice reviews Everyone says they got blown away.
Why aren't there any Walmarts in Syria? Because there is a target in every corner.
My Wife said 'All you do is talk about Football..
There's so many more important things in life than that.
Like, what about Syria?"
I said "Well this year I think it's between Fiorentina, Roma or Juventus
I've decided to avoid Turkey this Thanksgiving... Way too close to Syria.
I heard they don't have any Walmart or K-marts in Syria. Only Targets.
So Turkey wants to invade Syria from the rear, Do you think Greece will help?
Why are there no Walmarts in Syria?
Because there is a target on every corner.
Guys, this syriaous.
why are there no Wal-Marts in Syria? All they have are Targets
Do you know about the unpredictable weather in Syria? Sometimes it's Sunni, other times it's Shiite.
Trump launch a military campaign against Syria Operation Desert Stormy
Why are there no Walmarts in Syria? Because there is a Target in every corner.
I recently did a survey on Syria. The results blew me away.
What's the difference between Syria, and Detroit? How you get stoned.
Match the middle eastern country to its sworn enemy...
- Bahrain
- Lebanon
- Qatar
- United Arab Emirates
- Egypt
- Syria
- Jordan
- Iran
- Iraq
- Saudi Arabia
- Algeria
- Morocco
- Yemen
- Oman
- Kuwait
1. Israel
Why are there no Walmarts in Syria? Because they're all targets.
How is making cheese like invading Syria? You get some Kurds in the way.
Been thinking of buying property in Syria... heard the housing markets been booming.
Welcome to Syria! You'll have a blast :)
What did Russia say after Trump bombed Syria? "This is Syria's business."
What is the stupidest city in Syria? Dumbasscus
Syria is wherever the Syrians are in Europe
Why are there no Krogers in Syria? Because there are Targets everywhere.
Why isn't Dora allowed to explore Syria? Because Obama told her "no Boots on the ground!"
How we can solve the issue with Syria.... Fill those tomahawk missles with Pepsi and it's all going to be right as rain.
Are there any Wal-Marts in Syria or only Targets? Asking for a friend... Well?
If Syria had a Dr. Phil show, do you think the unruly teen girl would say Gas me Assad how bow dah?