Teamwork Jokes

Have you heard the old Chinese proverb about the importance of teamwork when repairing lamps? 'Many hands make light work'

Score: 14
Funny Teamwork Jokes
Score: 11

What did the snowman eat for breakfast? Frosted snow flakes.

My 4.5 y/o son came up with this joke, but his punch line was "snow flakes". I added the "frosted". Teamwork.

Score: 5

My parents always told me that teamwork makes the dream work! I mean they’re divorced now but it worked for a while

Score: 3

Why don't they cooperate at Disney Pixar? Because teamwork makes the Dreamwork(s)

Score: 3

I can't have teamwork at League of Legends because... the only people listening to my calls are the NSA.

Score: 1

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