What do you call a trucker that doesn't drive anymore? Semi-retired.
My dads a trucker so he applied for a job at Mcrosoft Apparently they are looking for more drivers.
Why is today a trucker's favorite day? Cuz it's 10-4 GOOD BUDDY!!!
What's the first thing a trucker does after getting laid? Cleans the mace from his eyes.
Two truckers arrive at an underpass
It says "Clearance: 7 feet"
One trucker says to the other, "My truck's 7' 5"."
The other trucker says, " Mine's 7' 10" but I don't see any cops, let's go for it."
A blonde joke Truckers should get Did you hear about the blonde who tried to kill her trucker husband? She cut the lines to his truck's air brakes
Two truckers were chatting at a truck stop late at night. One of the truckers says: “Have you ever seen anything paranormal on the road?” The other trucker replies: “Yeah, I saw a BMW use a turn signal once!”
What does a woman trucker and a hockey team have in common? They both shower after 3 periods!
Massive loss of life after trucker loses load on highway. A few thousand potential children were thrown across the vehicle before being ejected through an open window.
Trucker stops by a prostitute
Trucker: what's your price?
Prostitute: I'll do anything for 20 bucks
Trucker: Hop in baby, we're going to a construction
I feel like a trucker today... 10-4-2020
What do you call your moms ambulance driver? A mother trucker.