If you watch 127 Hours backwards It's the uplifting story of an amputee finding an arm in the desert.
My first time on an escalator... ...was quite uplifting, the second time though was a letdown
/r/jokes, I have a belief that EVERYTHING bad or upsetting can be improved with humor. Do you have any chemotherapy jokes for me? I am a 15yo guy, she is a 17yo girl who has a nonsmokers lung cancer. Any positive or uplifting jokes will be appreciated.
My first time using an elevator was a very uplifting experience. The second time I was let down.
I just got hired at the helium factory I find the job uplifting.
Why is working a suicide prevention hotline such an uplifting job? Win or lose, you get no bad customer reviews.
My first time time using an elevator was an uplifting experience. The second time it brought me down.
I like my women like I like my coffee. Pleasant and uplifting.
What's the best job? Any job that involves operating a crane. It's seriously uplifting.
The first time I used an elevator it was really uplifting Then it brought me down
My first time using an elevator was an uplifting experience. The second time left me down
I want to make a joke about erectile dysfunction But for some, it's not very uplifting.
My new bank is very uplifting... I’m $1,000 in debt, but they said my balance is *outstanding*!
My dad met a group of forklift operators today He said they were very uplifting
The best thing about elevator jokes? They‘re really uplifting.
Airplane Humor
I'm reading a book about a man who stopped an airplane from crashing.
It's pretty uplifting.
Say what you want about elevator music... At least it’s uplifting.
The first time using an elevator is a pretty uplifting experience. The second time will let you down though.
Why are fingerprints always so uplifting? They make people feel better.
I went shopping today because I needed something uplifting. So I bought a bra.
Last night I dreamt that I was in an elevator that was going super fast toward the sky. Yet, I wasn’t scared I found it very uplifting
My first time on an elevator was quite uplifting... The second time was a let down.
Whats strong, uplifting, and always gets a spot on the news a tornado
My friend kept asking me if he could borrow an uplifting Pixar movie. In the end I just gave Up.