Vietnam War Jokes

During the Vietnam war, if you reported one communist... You would win one thousand dollars.
If you reported 2 communists, you would win 2 thousands dollars.
If you reported 3 communists, you would go to jail because you knew too many communists.

Score: 48
Funny Vietnam War Jokes
Score: 28

How many Vietnam war vet does it take to change a lightbulb Oh, you don't know, you weren't there

Score: 8

why did so many black people die in the Vietnam war? every time the sergeant shouted GET DOWN! they all started dancing

Score: 7

If America had stayed out of the Vietnam war It would have been a Nguyen-Nguyen situation

Score: 6

My dad would be great on "Drunk History" Every night he drinks a bottle of Jim Beam and talks about the Vietnam War.

Score: 4

My essay about the Vietnam War went from an idea straight to a final version I dodged the draft

Score: 3

Yknow, sometimes I wonder why America decided to join the Vietnam war. Then again, what else were they gonna do with an entire generation called “the baby boomers”.

Score: 3

What’s the difference between the “China Virus” and the Vietnam War? Trump dodged the Vietnam War.

Score: 3

People sometime ask me what brought my family to Canada I tell them my dad was just stationed here during the Vietnam war

Score: 3

If Trump was a spy in the Vietnam War, what would his code name be? Agent Orange

Score: 2

I asked my grandfather if he knew how much the US spent on the Vietnam War. He told me all he knew was that it cost him an arm and a leg.

Score: 2

Why didn’t any Soul Train dancers survive the Vietnam War? Because when they yelled “Get Down!”, they started dancing.

Score: 2

Why did the baby boomer cross the road? To evade the Vietnam War Draft

Score: 2

In the Vietnam war, American soldiers would eat small amounts of C4 plastic to get high Does this explosive make you high? C4 yourself

Score: 1

Why did so many black people die in the Vietnam War? When the sergeant yelled "Get down!" they all got up and started dancing.

Score: 1

What were horses used for in the Vietnam War? They dropped neigh palm

Score: 1

I asked my friend if you are what you eat what vegetable would you wanna be? He said a vietnam war veteran.

Score: 0

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