Who's got Liquor?
Someone at a party asks if anyone has any liquor.
"Who's got liquor?"
Someone hands him a twizzler.
"That's not liquor!".
"It's liquor-ish."
A riddle
Who's got orange skin, poor speaking skills, is overwhelmingly disliked and is in over his head?
Yeah, I know, too easy right?
It's Jar Jar Binks
Who's got the tightest bod in the North Pole? Abdominal Snowman
Trump gets back from an official visit to Germany, and starts tweeting "Just got back from Germany, but couldn't meet with Chancellor Merkel- SAD! Had to meet with his UGLY secretary, who's got a bowl cut and is barely a 3 at best."
What do you call someone who's got a horse for a mother and a fruit for a father? A Frenchman.
"Who's got two thumbs and finds this joke funny?"
"Not this guy!"
-Thumb amputee victim
Who's got two thumbs and nothing else? THIS pair of disembodied thumbs!
Who's got nice quads, a six-pack, and the cleanest hands? Pontius Pilates
Just found a litter of kittens in a suitcase? Guess who's got a new suitcase.
I'm not proud of this. I want to learn to cook but who's got Thyme?