Thinking of starting a liquor brand and getting free advertising from the other major labels I'm going to call it "responsibly"
Apple is advertising the new iPhone as "The most powerful four inches ever." I can't believe they stole my slogan.
I'm not panicking yet about ISPs selling my browser history to advertising companies... On the other hand, when they offer to sell my browsing history to my wife, that would be the appropriate time to panic!
What do you call a Hobbit who works in advertising?
Billboard Baggins
(From my son (9) who just finished Fellowship of the Ring and is well on his way to being a dad with jokes like this).
I drove past a billboard promoting Niagara Falls as the tallest waterfall in the world... Turns out it was falls advertising.
I was loudly advertising my Hawaiian finger-food stand in a public place and everybody started running away - wtf... "Aloha Snackbar!" "Aloha Snackbar!"
I got an advertising email saying 'Google knows maps backwards.' I thought, that's just spam.
If olive oil is made from olives and coconut oil is made from coconut what is baby oil made from? Mineral oil, Aloe Vera Extract, Vitamin E, Fragrance and false advertising.
I saw where they pulled all the Steve Irwin sunscreen off the market for false advertising. It didn't protect against harmful rays.
If Whole Foods sells sliced apples, Is it false advertising?
I was at a lingerie store and they were advertising an old fashioned-looking nighty with the tag line "Just like mother used to wear"... It's called a Freudian Slip.
Why doesn't marvel use the hulk for advertising. He's basically a giant banner.
Colorado keeps advertising their legalised weed through the media... I'm fed up of seeing all that propaganja.
Diaper companies should be sued for false advertising. Not once have they held the 22-37 pounds they promised.
Derek Acorah got sacked from Most Haunted for advertising bio-yoghurt in breech of his contract. That's what you get for dabbling in the Yakult.
What is the difference between rat poison and diet coke? Diet coke has better advertising.
I work in digital advertising. I'm a hand model.
Why isn't there a lot of advertising aimed at philosophers? It's a Nietzsche market
I saw a sign advertising a plowsharing market the other day. I don't know if that's a more or less politically correct way of talking about a swinger party...
What should we call this giant advertising board?
Phil: We should call it a Philboard.
Bill: I have a better idea...
Life cereal uses false advertising... I poured it on my grandma and she still didn't wake up.
What's the best part of advertising for prostitutes? The product sells itself.
Why is the Hulk so good at advertising? Because he's a giant banner.
Two marketing executives were discussing what to call the new advertising signs that were being installed along the highway.
VP Phil: Let's call them Philboards
CEO Bill: I've just had a great idea!
Have you seen Tesla’s advertising? It’s out of this world!
The Investigation into Elon Musk's False Advertising Scandal Enters the Fifth Week. Elongate is really drawn out.
What do you call a friend that you can rely on to deliver all the advertising material? A brochure.
My barista told me he wants to major in advertising when he goes to college I thought it was a great idea, it'll help him sell more coffee.
Tony the Tiger is advertising the new fruity cornflakes Theyyyyyyy'rrreeee grape
humour and beverage There was this Irishman who saw an advertising sign that said "Drink Canada Dry" so he went
What's the best thing about advertising using Internet memes? You don't have to spend a 4Chan to get the word out.
The new industry slogan for people who design and create faux food for advertising in magazines, coupons, billboards, etc. "*We* fake it until you make it".
Why did the wrigley’s gum store set up next to the newspaper stand?
Cuz the newspaper guy did all the advertising.
“Extra, extra, get your extra here!”
Why doesn't Marvel use Hulk for advertising? He's basically a giant banner.
what is Ceasar's slogan for his advertising company? Ceasar sell ads
Facebook is advertising to me that I could be a dress size smaller in 8 weeks... I think this is a sign of their commitment to avoiding discrimination and prejudice. After all, thin people have been excluded from weight-loss culture for far too long.