Have you ever tried blind folded archery? You don't know what you're missing.
Have you ever tried blindfolded archery? You don’t know what you’re missing!
How do you improve your archery? With better arrow dynamics.
What did Orion receive when he won second place in the archery contest? The constellation prize.
Did you hear about the time Orion lost an archery match? He was given a constellation prize.
Why doesn’t the philosopher like to do archery? Because he Kant hit the Marx.
I recently took up blindfolded archery
I'm liking it a lot. If you haven't tried, give it a go.
You don't know what you're missing.
My partner asked how I got invited to the Archery Champions Ball. I told her I had to pull a few strings.
Why was the Mexican bad at archery? He didn't habanero
I was gonna try out archery But there are too many drawbacks
Why couldn't the pepper practice archery? Because he didn't habanero.
How did you learn archery? I'm elf-taught.
I was gonna try out archery But there were too many drawbacks
What did Orion receive after losing an archery competition? A constellation prize.
Why couldn’t the pepper practice archery? He didn’t hab-an-ero.
Have you ever tried blindfolded archery? You don't know what you missing.
You should try doing archery blindfolded You don't know what you're missing!
I tried blind archery today. For those who have never tried it, you don't know what you are missing!
New joke! (Please don’t delete me!)
Why can’t the green pepper practice archery?
Because it didn’t habanero!
I'm not a fan of archery. It has too many drawbacks.
I'm going to combine my love for political activism with my love of archery so that I can stick it to the man from a distance
To the people making fun of archery... ...you cant try it until you nock it.
A man who worked two jobs, archery manufacturing and mailman, was well known for his prowess in bed. He could make them quiver when he delivered.
Why Wasn't the Green Pepper Able to Participate in the Archery Competition? It didn't habanero....
Why couldn't the green pepper practice archery? Because it didn't habanero.
What do you call an archery instructor named Bill who's cleaning up after class, who also has a weak grasp on possessives? Bill bow baggin's
I recently got into archery There's a bit of a drawback, but I think it's quite fun!