How can you tell the difference between Japanese people and other Asian people?
Use a Geiger counter
*Credit: my friend who has a lot of dark humour
If you drop your phone in water you should place it in a bowl of rice.
Asian people are attracted to the rice and are very good at repairing electronic devices.
NB. Thanks for being good sports Asian people!
Asian people are pretty cool If only they could see that..
What's the difference between racism and asian people? Racism has many faces.
What do you call white people pushing a car up a hill?
White power.
What do you call asian people pushing a car up a hill?
Asian power.
What do you call mexicans pushing a car up a hill?
Grand theft auto.
Why won’t Logan Paul high five Ricegum? He likes leaving asian people hanging
What do Asian people use as blindfolds? Shoe laces.
When asian people go on a merry go round... do they become disoriented?
After the success of iPhone, iPad,... Apple has released a new device for Asian people
They call it iOpener.
Disclaimer: Chill, guys. I myself am 100% Asian and I found this joke funny. It's in /r/Jokes for a reason. Just have a good time instead.
Asian people are such bad drivers that I'm starting to think Pearl Harbor was an accident Lol
If you look at how some Asian people are driving... might think that Pearl Harbor was an accident.
Why don't Asian people play bowling? Because in their country it's boring
I once knew a man who spun Asian people round in a circle a few times and when he was done they would be European It’s the truth, he could disorient people.
Why don’t Asian people like bowling? Because to them it’s bowring.
Want to hear a joke about Asian people? Well there’s a lot of them.
Its best to put your phone on some rice when its wet Asian people will come at night and fix it
A man walks onto a bus full of asian people dressed as skeletons and asks: I'm trying to get to manchester, is this the wight bus or the wong bus?
How come no Asian people voted today? They don't leave their house on erection day.
Asian people are such bad drivers They keep Korean off the road
LPT - If your phone gets wet, put it in a bag of uncooked rice overnight.
The rice will attract Asian people who will then fix your phone.
Tried, tested, true
There are two things I hate the most in the world Racism and Asian people.
Everything is a choice. Black people can choose to get offended by black slurs,Asian people can choose to get offended by Asian slurs,White people can choose to get offended by black slurs.
Why did Logan Paul not high five Ricegum back? He likes leaving asian people hanging
What liquer do most asian people like to hate? Baileys Irish ... Cream