[AskReddit] I read that 4,156,257 people got married this year.... ....not to cause any problems, but shouldn't that be an even number?
What do you call a filthy memer? Banned from Askreddit
How does Sean Connery ask for Worchestershire sauce? (x-post from askreddit) Worsheshershershosh.
What's the difference between the answers to an askreddit and a typical TIL? About two days.
A man told his wife he was going grocery shopping...
...and she said "Pick up a gallon of milk. If they have eggs, get a dozen."
The man gets back with twelve gallons of milk and said "They had eggs".
*Credit to whoever posted this in that askreddit thread*
Two fish in a tank
One turns to the other and says "how do you drive this thing?"
Repost from a comment on /r/askreddit
Mr and Mrs Chedder had a baby...
They were expecting a Parmesan, but instead ended up with a Parmedaughter.
(Posted as an answer on AskReddit, thought it belonged here too)
How to write a Buzzfeed article: r/askreddit
The maker doesn't want it, the buyer doesn't use it, and the user doesn't know it; what is it?
Norton antivirus.
(I remembered this from an askreddit thread years ago)
R/askreddit: What small things in life make big difference? R/jokes: Compound Interest.
Which is the urine drop that makes the most distance?
The one you put back in your pants
Inspired by a recent askreddit
My dad used to tell this joke
What does every answer in r/askreddit start with? “I’m not a ______, but...”