Who's the biggest hoe in history? Ms. Pac-man, because for 25 cents she swallows balls until she dies.
Hear about the guy that dipped his balls in glitter? Pretty nuts
Two Thai girls asked me if I wanted to sleep with them They said it would be like winning the Lottery. To my horror they were right, we had six matching balls.
What’s the cheapest meat you can buy?
Deer balls, they’re under a buck...
(Told to me by my 12yo son)
My wife asked me where I'd like to be buried... Apparently "Balls deep in your sister" was not the answer she was expecting.
What does a Christmas tree and a monk have in common? They both have ornamental balls
I love the smell of moth balls... but it's so hard to hold their little legs apart.
A woman walks into a pharmacy and asks the Pharmacist, "Excuse me, do you have cotton balls?" The pharmacist replies, " Ma'am, if I did, my kids would be stuffed animals."
I saw a tranny in a miniskirt the other day I thought, that shows a lot of balls
Why does the KKK like christmas? Because it's the one day that they have an excuse to hang coloured balls from trees.
What do Tom Brady and prostitutes have in common? They both deflate Robert Krafts balls
There once was a man from Brazil
Who swallowed a dynamite pill
His tummy perspired
His butt backfired
And his balls flew over the hill
Time traveller: what's the current popular meme
Me: ligma
Time traveller: ligma 1 or ligma 2?
Me: what's ligma 2?
Time traveller: ligma 2 balls
The best part about Puppy Bowl? Since all the puppies are already neutered, there's no worry about deflated balls giving one team an advantage...