Beauty And The Beast Jokes

What's the only prize that Gaston won in Beauty and the Beast? The No Belle prize.

Score: 86

It makes sense why Emma Watson is in both Beauty and the Beast and Harry Potter Both of the main characters are harry

Score: 13

Disney is already working on a sequel to Beauty and the Beast... They're calling it The French Prince in Belle's Snare.

Score: 8

They're making a new Beauty and the Beast where the princess is brain damaged and everyone picks her up to do curls. She is a dumb Belle

Score: 5

I finally know the moral of the story "Beauty and the Beast"... As long as you're rich and have a nice house, a girl will eventually fall for you.

Score: 4

Why do the clothes in Beauty and the Beast look so old-fashioned? Tailors old as time…

Score: 3

Have you heard about the Beauty and the Beast sequel where they fix up the Beast's house? It's a tale as old as time, a song of mold and grime.

Score: 2

The Beauty and the Beast story is just like Adobe Photoshop It wouldn't work the same without smart objects

Score: 2
Funny Beauty And The Beast Jokes
Score: 1

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