Bill Nye Jokes

My fiance, feeling a bit under the weather, just blurted out this knee-slapper at 3AM... Why does Bill Nye get sleepy after writing calligraphy?

Because of the Nye Quill.

Score: 63

So Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby and Bill Nye all walk into a bar... They all finish their drinks and Nye says to the lady behind the bar I'll cover the tab these two will give you their tips.

Score: 7
Funny Bill Nye Jokes
Score: 7

Why did Bill Nye crash his car? Because inertia is a property of matter.

Score: 6

Bill Nye Your mom’s a guy

Score: 5

What does Bill Nye use to make his sizzurp? NyeQuil

Score: 4

What would Bill Nye be called if he spoke to ghosts? Bill Nye the Séance guy.

Score: 1

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