Chipotle Jokes

What is Chipotle most known for? - A. Steak Bowls
- B. Delicious Tacos
- C. Chips
- D. Burritos
- E. Coli

Score: 632
Funny Chipotle Jokes
Score: 293

What do u call a blonde that dyed their hair? Artificial Intelligence

(Some old guy at chipotle told me this lmao)

Score: 18

Since chipotle charges like a $1.30 for guacamole... I wonder if In their bussiness meetings, if they refer to their guac profits as


Score: 17

Chipotle is releasing a new "Ravens" burrito. It comes with everything but rice.

Score: 13

What do you call a voucher for complimentary Chipotle? free coli

Score: 5

What does Chipotle dread when making a post on social media? Going viral

Score: 5

What do you call a Chipotle Employee? A burrista.

Score: 4

Why does chipotle stuff so many napkins in your bag? they know you'll run out of toilet paper.

Score: 2

Carl the serial killer was sentenced to death. He requested a steak burrito from Chipotle as his last meal. When asked if he wanted chips and guac he said "yes but hold the guac, it gives me indigestion."

Edit: this was funnier in my head

Score: 2

Chipotle is the best place to do drugs Because no one questions if you spend a lot time in the bathroom, and come out looking terrible.

Score: 2

Random Guy at Chipotle A random guy at Chipotle said "give me a high five" and afterwards said "you should wash that hand"...not sure whether to laugh or not.

Score: 1

I like my Chipotle burrito how Trump liked his America White please, no beans.

Score: 0

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