Cold War Jokes

My friend asked me "if you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?" I said Cold War Russia.

Score: 477
Funny Cold War Jokes
Score: 164

A friend asked me if I could have any superpower, what would it be. I answered Cold War Russia

Score: 46

The Cold War was so anticlimactic... I mean, most of it was just Stalin.

Score: 43

My Psychology Professor asked me what Super Power I would like to have... Apparently "Cold War Era Russia" is not an acceptable answer.

Score: 43

Why was the cold war such a long period with little fighting? Because the Russian President was Stalin.

Score: 36

If Russia is so cold... Why did they lose the cold war?

Score: 19

Why did the cold war last so long? The US couldn't stop Stalin.

Score: 16

Trump is a genius Bringing back the cold war to fight to combat climate change.

Truly a man of the ages.

Score: 15

If Russia is so good at defeating it's enemies in the Winter Then how come they lost the Cold War?

Score: 12

How do you reheat a cold war? You nuke it.

Score: 11

I asked my friend, "If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?" He said, "Cold War Russia."

Score: 9

TIL of an incident during the Cold War when American ships, fearing a Soviet attack, nearly fired on a friendly vessel. Whoops, wrong sub.

Score: 6

If I could have any superpower in the world It would have to be Cold War era Russia.

Score: 5

What do you call it when your body is fighting off an illness? The Cold War.

Score: 5

Why did the Cold War never happen? Because Joseph was Stalin.

Score: 4

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a cold war... 5, 6, 7, 8 loser is a buffer state.

Score: 4

The greatest devastation from the Cold War ... is that most Americans believe it was an actual war.

Score: 4

I'm joining a cold war reenactment group. We get together on weekends and hide under desks.

Score: 3

Which three American Generals won the most during the cold war? General Motors, General Electric, and General Dynamics.

Score: 3

Why did the cold war end? Because of global warming!

Score: 3

Two communist soldiers stood by the Berlin wall during The Cold War. Soldier 1: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Soldier 2: Yes I am.

Soldier 1: Then I'll have to arrest you.

Score: 3

I've been studying the Cold War and nuclear weapons for history class non-stop...'s driving me MAD.

Score: 2

Cold War Hungarian Joke Communism is the noble struggle by the proletariat to overcome problems that only exist under Communism.

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How did the Cold War end? Global Warming.

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If the Cold War had ended badly, what would've happened? There would've been a fallout.

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While passing through east germany in the height of the cold war, i saw an ad in the personals... It read:
Looking to trade!
One 1200 sq ft. Apt. 2 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms. Will pay for utilities.
In return:
One hole in wall.

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What was the most popular baby name for a girl during The Cold War... ...Connie

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Why is America and Russia participating in a Second Cold war? Because according to our greatest leaders, this is how you address global warming

Score: 2

Want to know how the Cold War was ended? It was with Robotussin and space heaters.

Score: 1

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