Cold Weather Jokes

An amputee is taking part in a discussion on the effectiveness of gloves On one hand, they are good for cold weather.

On the other, they don't really help.

Score: 77
Funny Cold Weather Jokes
Score: 10

Wife won a lottery Wife, cheering happily, decided to go to a trip and called: "Honey! Start packing!"

Husband: "For the hot or cold weather?"

Wife: "I don't care, just begone when I get back!"

Score: 6

Winning lotto A man comes home and yells joyfully: “Honey I won the Lotto! Pack your things for a nice big vacation!”
She asks: “Awesome! Should I pack for warm or cold weather?”
Man beams: “I don’t care. Just be on your way already!”

Score: 5

Ever hear about the Roman general who had a fit every time there was cold weather? Hail.. seizure

Score: 3

What do you call someone who hates cold weather? A southerner

Score: 1

What do you call the Holy Father in cold weather? A popesicle.

Score: 1

I don't get why everyone makes such a big deal about the cold weather. I'm out in it right now and I can't feel a thing!

Score: 1

How do you paint something in cold weather? You coat it.

Score: 1

#NotMyGroundhog Cold weather triggers me

Score: 1

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