Cub Scout Jokes

How does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout? ... Eats his first Brownie!

Score: 4
Funny Cub Scout Jokes
Score: 4

How does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout? By eating a Brownie.

Score: 3

Why did Michael Jackson get kicked out of the cub scouts? He was up to a pack a day...

Score: 3

Michael Jackson had to quit the Cub Scouts. He was up to a pack a day.

Score: 3

What's blue and comes in brownies? Cub Scouts.

Score: 3

Why did Michael Jackson have to quit the Cub Scouts? He was up to a pack a day.

Score: 2

What is Blue and Yellow and Comes in Brownies? Cub Scouts!

Score: 2

When does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout? When he eats his first Brownie.?

Score: 1

When did the Cub Scout become a Boy Scout? When he ate his first Brownie!

Score: 1

When does a cub scout become a boy scout? When they eat their first ~~brownie~~ cub scout.

Score: 1

How does a cub scout become a boy scout? He eats a brownie.

Score: 0

Some Cub Scouts were reading the menu at a Greek restaurant. One of them said, "Why do you only serve beef? Greek food is supposed to be lamb." The owner said, "Sorry, but my gyros have always been cow, boys."

Score: 0

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