A Cuban, a Canadian, and a white supremacist walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Ah, Senator Cruz, what are you having?"
My friend went on holiday to Havana...
...and asked me what gift I would like him to get for me. I said get me "something Cuban", but he got me a Che Guevara t shirt.
Clothes, but no cigar.
A Cuban, a Canadian, and a White Supremacist walks into a bar... The bartender asks "What'll you have Senator Cruz?"
I asked my parents for something Cuban. They got me a Che Guevara t-shirt. Clothes, but no cigar
I asked my grandmother for "something Cuban" for my birthday, and she had got me a Che Guevara shirt.
Clothes, but no cigar.
If a Cuban man marries a woman from Iceland and have children, can the children be considered ice cubes?
While watching Olympic kayaking, I was surprised at how bad the Cuban team was at paddling. Then I realized, That's probably why they're still in Cuba.
What's the difference between a Dominican and a Cuban? Dominicans are close, but no cigar
What does a Cuban do when he gets a flat tire? Drowns.
A Cuban, a Canadian, and a homophobic walk into a bar The bartender says, "What'll it be, Senator Cruz?"
What’s it called when someone from the Caribbean has erectile dysfunction? A Cuban missile crisis.
What happens when a Cuban gets a flat tire? He drowns.
I married a cuban girl Shes my guantanamo bae
So I got myself a Cuban girlfriend... She is my Guantanamo bae.
What do you call the kid of an Iceland and Cuban parents? Ice cubes.
I like my women like I like my cigars. Cuban, shipped in bulk and 7 years old.
One Cuban woman complains to another: He was such a liar! He said he was a waiter at a resort...turns out he’s nothing more than a neurosurgeon.
Infidel. It's where I want to be, thanks to my fetish for Cuban politicians.
A Cuban, a Canadian, and a White Supremacist walk into a bar... Bartender says, "what'll it be Ted?"
What do you call a Cuban gastrologist? Fidel Gastro
What does Fidel Castro call his erectile dysfunction? The Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Joke One Cuban young woman complains to another. “He lied to me! He told me that he was a luggage handler! It turns out, he’s nothing but a neurosurgeon!”
Got a buddy who's half Cuban and half Mexican. Came to the U.S. on a raft powered by a weed whacker.
What’s the Cuban national anthem? Row...row...row your boat...
What is the language of the squares? Cuban.
Would a 10'x10'x10' workspace... ...used by a Havana artist studying Picasso's style be a Cuban cubist's cubical cubicle?
What do you call a Cuban man who doesn’t believe in religion? Infidel Castro
I had a Cuban sandwich for lunch today Just tasted like pork
What do you call a stomach ache you get from eating a Cuban sandwich? Castro-intestinal distress.
What did the ISIS recruiter say to the Cuban dictator? You're in Fidel
A Chinese, Mexican and a Cuban are in a truck Who's driving? An immigration officer.
What do you call a Cuban that immagrated to Spain? Spain-ish