Deadpool Jokes

What is the Great Gatsby's favorite superhero? Green Lantern.
His least favorite?

Score: 241

Should Ryan Reynolds star as Gatsby in The Great Gatsby reboot? I mean he has already been green lantern AND deadpool.

Score: 45

Who Is Jay Gatsby's Favorite Comic Book Character? Deadpool.

Score: 41

What's Gatsby's favorite and least favorite superhero? Green Lantern and Deadpool.

Score: 30

Who is Jay Gatsby's favorite superhero? Green Lantern.

And his least favorite?


Score: 24

Chris Brown dressed as Deadpool for Halloween and won a costume contest. The runner up was a girl dressed like Rihanna, but he beat her.

Score: 7

Marvel joke Spider man: taskmaster probably set boobytraps for us

Deadpool: (snickers)He said traps

Score: 6

I think this Deadpool movie is going to really bring down the house. Having only three walls isn't good for their structural integrity.

Score: 4
Funny Deadpool Jokes
Score: 4

SPOILERS for Deadpool 2 The X-Force was the actual Suicide Squad.

Score: 4

Corny Deadpool joke Wolverine has DirecTV. Deadpool has Cable.

Score: 3

Who are James Gatz's (The Great Gatsby's) least favorite superheroes? Green Lantern and Deadpool

Score: 3

Why does Donald Trump hate deadpool so much? He keeps breaking the fourth wall.

Score: 3

T.J. Miller and I have so much in common! We're both not going to be in Deadpool 3

Score: 3

There is Deadpool Monopoly, Sea World Monopoly, Simpson’s Monopoly.... It’s like they monopolized the board games industry

Score: 2

How do you defeat DeadPool? Trap him in a room with only three walls.

Score: 2

Deadpool interviewing superman after that mustache cover up in Justice League "Hey, blue spandex, excuse me but I moustache ask you a question or should I shave it for later?"

Credit : YouTube comment by Zyle Williams.

Score: 2

How do you kill a circus Go for the juggler
(Found in a deadpool comic)

Score: 1

WitH All THeSe PeOplE PreDicTiNG wHo is GoinG to Die in InFiNiTy wAr, You cOuLd sAy iTs a... ...deadpool

Score: 1

Ryan Reynolds would have been great as Jay Gatsby. After all, he’s both Green Lantern and Deadpool.

Score: 1

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