What is the Great Gatsby's favorite superhero?
Green Lantern.
His least favorite?
Should Ryan Reynolds star as Gatsby in The Great Gatsby reboot? I mean he has already been green lantern AND deadpool.
Who Is Jay Gatsby's Favorite Comic Book Character? Deadpool.
What's Gatsby's favorite and least favorite superhero? Green Lantern and Deadpool.
Who is Jay Gatsby's favorite superhero?
Green Lantern.
And his least favorite?
Chris Brown dressed as Deadpool for Halloween and won a costume contest. The runner up was a girl dressed like Rihanna, but he beat her.
Marvel joke
Spider man: taskmaster probably set boobytraps for us
Deadpool: (snickers)He said traps
I think this Deadpool movie is going to really bring down the house. Having only three walls isn't good for their structural integrity.
SPOILERS for Deadpool 2 The X-Force was the actual Suicide Squad.
Corny Deadpool joke Wolverine has DirecTV. Deadpool has Cable.
Who are James Gatz's (The Great Gatsby's) least favorite superheroes? Green Lantern and Deadpool
Why does Donald Trump hate deadpool so much? He keeps breaking the fourth wall.
T.J. Miller and I have so much in common! We're both not going to be in Deadpool 3
There is Deadpool Monopoly, Sea World Monopoly, Simpson’s Monopoly.... It’s like they monopolized the board games industry
How do you defeat DeadPool? Trap him in a room with only three walls.
Deadpool interviewing superman after that mustache cover up in Justice League
"Hey, blue spandex, excuse me but I moustache ask you a question or should I shave it for later?"
Credit : YouTube comment by Zyle Williams.
How do you kill a circus
Go for the juggler
(Found in a deadpool comic)
WitH All THeSe PeOplE PreDicTiNG wHo is GoinG to Die in InFiNiTy wAr, You cOuLd sAy iTs a... ...deadpool
Ryan Reynolds would have been great as Jay Gatsby. After all, he’s both Green Lantern and Deadpool.