Demetri Martin Jokes

Funny Demetri Martin Jokes
Score: 58

Today I witnessed an amputee being hanged. I tried to save him, but yelled out all the wrong letters.

(H/T Demetri Martin)

Score: 31

I saw a sign that said, watch for children. I thought to myself... Thats a fair trade. - Demetri Martin.

Score: 24

A guy waved at me and ran over the other day... He said "oh sorry I thought you were someone else!"

I said, "I am"

-Demetri Martin

Score: 4

What did the sign for the strip club say during the day? Sorry, we're clothed

Taken from Demetri Martin

Score: 4

I’m a man of my word And that word is “unreliable”

-Demetri Martin

Score: 4

My friend asked me to put him into one of my jokes i said "Sure how about this one?"

[credit to Demetri Martin]

Score: 3

[demetri martin] A drunk driver is very dangerous. Everybody knows that. But so is a drunk backseat driver if he's persuasive.

"Go left."

-"Dude those are trees."

"trust me."

Score: 2

If I had a bookstore I'd make the mystery section really hard to find

(Credits: Demetri Martin)

Score: 1

My friend is a big fan of similes. He's like... ...annoying.

Credit to Demetri Martin.

Score: 1

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