What was Spider Man's major in college? Web Design.
Wife asked me to take out a spider instead of killing it... So I did, hit a few bars, dude is cool, wants to go into web design.
There were plans to change the design of the 21st letter of the alphabet but Ed Sheeran stopped them He’s in love with the shape of u
I want to start an interior design company, I'm going to call it 9/11 because it's an inside job.
Last year I took a visual design class...
...and our final exam was to design a fireworks display.
I passed with flying colors.
In light of the multiple recent crashes of its airplanes, Boeing announced a revolutionary new aircraft design made out of rubber. Now, it won't crash. It'll just go, Boeing Boeing Boeing.
I started up a poster design company called "Original Poster" We don't deliver.
I have a new idea for airplane design. I'm hoping it'll take off.
Why is development in airplane engineering so slow? Everyone is afraid to make a ground breaking design.
I've gotten a Graphic Design job at a nuclear plant The pay is not great, but they told me I'd be getting some exposure.
So Apple made a spinoff of the iPod Touch...
...where you design all its features yourself. The color, storage, apps that come with it, basically everything.
However, it got banned from all Apple stores because of its name, the iTouchMyself.
Spiders should own the internet After all, they are very talented in web design.
I've decided I'm going to major in computer science and Japanese. I'm gonna master weeb design.
The Hardest Day of my Life Was When Our Interior Design Class Went Camping. It was pretty in tents.
I helped my wife design her marijuana costume for the fancy dress party. It was a joint effort.
Why did the spider go to college? To get his degree in web design!
What do Porsche and Apple have in common? New product, same design.
I heard that Bruno Mars helped design the Apple Watch Dont believe me? Just watch
TIL The New Jersey Devils have never changed their logo or uniform design/colours. No new New Jersey jersey.
...I wanted to design defensive structures for the city.... as it turns out, not my Forte.
What is the design philosophy of the iPhone 7? Jack off
I had to stop catering to fat people in the video games I design They consume the content *way* too fast.
I tried to design a piece of paper and my teacher was impressed. He gave me an A4 effort.
Stop making jokes about the new iMac Pro design They are so cheesy...
Good Anatomy or Digestive System Joke? I need a good joke for my T shirt design for my Anatomy class. Anyone have any good jokes. thanks (school apprpriate please)
I was finally able to satisfy my wife last night. I let her choose the new kitchen design
Thanks to the innovative and powerful cheese grater design of the new mac pro... ...People can finally become Mac Cook Pros
What's black, white, and red all over? My mediocre website design...
A structural engineer walked into a bar... ...this is when he realised his building design was flawed.
What did the spider go to college for? Web design
The new industry slogan for people who design and create faux food for advertising in magazines, coupons, billboards, etc. "*We* fake it until you make it".
How's the iPhone X design? Top notch!
Have you heard about the new Van Gogh headphones? Interesting design but very one sided