Disability Jokes

An IQ below 70 qualifies you for having an intellectual disability Now I just need to figure out if that's in Celcius or Fahrenheit

Score: 1672
Funny Disability Jokes
Score: 44

What is the cutest mental disability? Awwtism

Score: 28

Note: disability jokes are not FUNNY My friend in a wheelchair can't stand it

Score: 16

What do you call a heritable mental disability? Hand-me-downs

Score: 14

What's a midget with a mental disability? A little down.

Score: 9

Times are hard at the moment for people on disability benefits. I’ve got a friend who’s a dwarf.. ...and he’s struggling to put food on the table

Score: 5

What do you call a Chinese dinosaur with a reading disability? Dysrexic

Score: 4

Don't let anyone convince you you can't do something because of your disability. Beethoven was told he could never be a musician, but he didn't listen.

Score: 4

Shout out to my grandparents! Not because they both helped out with something, but because they have a hearing disability.

Score: 3

I always wanted to be a comedian but my disability held me back. I’m a woman

Score: 3

What do you call a man with three legs? You call him a man. His physical disability should have no bearing on how you see him. You monster.

Score: 3

It's 2019 now. "Flame Retardant" is not OK anymore. Some things simply have a burning disability.

Score: 3

For decades now I'm struggling to find success in dating because of the physical disability I have. It's called 'being ugly'.

Score: 3

My friend has attention problems and a learning disability. He told me he suffers from... dyslexi and DAA.

Score: 3

What do you call a painter with a mental disability? An autist.

Score: 2

What does an Italian have when one arm is shorter than the other? A terrible disability.

Score: 2

Disability UK: Standing up for those who can't stand up for themselves

Score: 2

What bands did they hire to play at the Developmental Disability Conference? System of a Downs
My Chemical Imbalance.
Youth In Asia

Score: 2

What do you call a Mexican with an artificial foot? His name is Miguel and he's really a very nice man, actually. Never lets his disability hold him back.

Score: 2

What disability does every politician share They are all short sighted

Score: 2

Did you hear about the person who crossed the road without looking both ways? They had a disability plan

Score: 2

What do you call a month with a disability? *Augustic*

(I just made that up! How bad is it?...)

Score: 2

If a deaf person turns a dude on talking about their disability He's going to be hard of hearing

Score: 2

What public bathroom does a Transgender person go into? The disability bathroom

Before you cry offensive I just came out as trans and this happened to me and I thought it was hilarious

Score: 2

You must learn from your mistakes. But if you keep on doing the same mistake, then you are suffering from a learning disability called STUPIDITY.

Score: 1

My friends said i'm ugly. I didn't know how ugly i was till i was refused youth allowance.. But was given Disability Benefits.

Score: 1

When is it okay to send a disabled person to a concentration camp? When their disability is attention deficit disorder.

Score: 1

What is the most directional mental disability? Down's Syndrome.

Score: 1

Living on disability allowance is difficult, isn’t it? I have a friend who’s a dwarf, and he really struggles to put food on the table.

Score: 1

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