Do You Know Any Jokes

My 7 y/o niece just dad joked me. **Her:** "Do you know any jokes?"

**Me:** "No."

**Her:** "I'll teach you one."

"Knock! Knock!"

**Me:** "Who's there?"

**Her:** "Ash."

"Now ask, Ash: who?"

**Me:** "Ash: who?"

**Her:** "Please cover your mouth when you sneeze."

**Me: rekt**

Score: 11811

I asked my friend "Do you know any other word for a big rock?" He said "Boulder?"

I said **"Do you know any other word for a big rock?"**

Score: 41
Funny Do You Know Any Jokes
Score: 24

[On a date] Her: So, Do you know any other languages? Him: I don’t speak French, but I know a little German.

Her: Really?

Him: Yes. He’s 3 feet 8, and he lives next door.

Score: 21

Do you know any good recipes for vegans? How do you humanely slaughter them and prepare their meat?

Score: 12

Do you know any Indian food jokes? Because I know Naan

Score: 8

I knew a guy who bowled a three hundred and one How do you bowl a 301? Do you know anyone who has bowled a 300 and lost?

Score: 7

"Hey dude, Do you know any jokes about sodium bromate?" "NaBrO."

Score: 6

Do you know any sodium jokes? Na.

Score: 5

Do you know any snake jokes? 'cause I serpently don't.

Score: 5

Do you know anything about antiques? Cause I found a tampon in my backyard and I wanted to know what period it was from.

Score: 4

Do you know any columbine jokes? I guess I'll give it a shot

Score: 4

Do you know any chemistry jokes? NaBrO

Score: 4

A man asks his friend, "Do you know any diets which actually work?" To which he replied, "Yes, go to Soviet Russia".

Score: 2

Hey Andrew, do you know any good Chemistry jokes? "Sodium, I Don't" said Andrew

The man replied, "Wait, did you just call me sodium?"

"No" Andrew said, "I meant, "Na, I don't"

Score: 2

So my friend asked me "Do you know any words in Spanish?" My friend replies "Uno. That's one!"

Score: 2

Do you know any chemistry jokes? Na. The good ones Argon.

Score: 1

Do you know anyone that wants a free Vacuum cleaner, I have one in my garage. It's only collecting dust.

Score: 1

One day Dave goes up to Frank at work "Hey buddy," says Dave, "do you know anybody at work who has Alzheimer's?"

"Why do you want to know?" asks Frank

"Because I need to borrow some money," says Dave.

Score: 1

I'm trying to figure out another word for thesaurus Do you know anything that could help?

Score: 0

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