Emt Jokes

What do you call a couple of EMT’s? A pair of medics.

Score: 23

Why do they always send out two EMT’s? So there will be a paramedics.

Score: 16

We lost our father after an accident because we couldn't remember what blood type he had to tell the EMT.

Dad kept screaming for us to "Be Positive", but it's really hard with him gone.

Score: 10

I was going to tell a mean joke about EMT's but I didn't wanna get... ... carried away.

Score: 5
Funny Emt Jokes
Score: 3

What does an EMT look for in a girl? A pulse

Score: 3

My friend is an EMT, and she's amazing on trivia night. She's usually the first responder.

Score: 2

A wine aficionado/part time EMT gets invited to a dinner party... While the bottle of red was passed out, he shouts "Everybody get back! OK, now let it breathe a little."

Score: 1

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