Environmental Jokes

Ranchers in Colorado are conducting a crucial experiment on the environmental sustainability of using hemp as a feed source for cattle. The steaks have never been higher.

Score: 25

The other day I took a dump, then did some drugs, then went for a bike ride. Then I saw an environmental poster that said "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" - so I did it all over again.

Score: 19
Funny Environmental Jokes
Score: 7

Why has /r/jokes won an environmental award? Everything gets recycled.

Score: 5

What do you call anti-environmental music? Plastic Rap

Score: 4

I've heard all the environmental activists' arguments for banning plastic products... and they're really just grasping at straws.

Score: 4

Girls who talk about girls’ problems are great. But girls who talk about environmental problems are Greta.

Score: 3

African conservationists call for the ban on hunting hippopotamus to be lifted, citing environmental concerns. To me the whole thing seems so hippocritical.

Score: 2

Where is the most environmental friendly place on Earth? r/Jokes, recycling rate is 98% here!

Score: 2

A new environmental slogan Environmental groups fighting global warming are missing a golden opportunity for a slogan. No more "save the snow", or "save snow sports", or "the death of snow"....

They should call it... A winter-vention!

Score: 2

There has never been an environmental initiative as popular as this one r/jokes

Score: 2

After taking a degree in environmental sciences, my father said I now should get my feet wet doing a real project. So he bought me a flight ticket to Indonesia.

Score: 2

The White House Announced A New Environmental Initiative This Morning They will now recycle the same bullshit everyday instead of buying it fresh.

Score: 1

The year is 2150, environmental degradation has wiped out large swaths of foodcrops including the chickpea... Awards for 21st century environmental activism are given out ***posthoumously***

Score: 1

What did the fish say when it swam into the wall? Well that’s environmental impact for you.

Score: 1

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