Fat Guy Jokes

Funny Fat Guy Jokes
Score: 347

I went to the doctors with hearing problems... He said "Can you describe the symptoms?" I said "Homer's a fat guy and Marge has blue hair"

Score: 291

Why is Christmas like a day at the office? You do all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.

Score: 244

How is Christmas like your job? You do all the work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit

Score: 205

Why is Christmas just like your job? You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.

Score: 192

Fat guy. A man is weighing himself in the bathroom sucking in his stomach when his wife comes in and says, "That's not going to help."
The guy say, "Well it is, it's the only way I can see the numbers."

Score: 61

Why is Christmas just like another day in the office? Because you do all the hard work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.

Score: 51

Why is a day at the office the same as Christmas? Because you do all the work, and the fat guy with the suit gets all of the credit.

Score: 45

As a fat guy, I tend to avoid wearing skinny jeans. I find it difficult to pull it off.

Score: 34

Did you hear about the fat guy who spent his free time in a British casino? He heard it was a fast way to lose pounds.

Score: 31

As a fat guy I never really have more pep in my step... But I do occasionally get a little more throttle in my waddle.

Score: 25

Careful girls... fat guys just want to get into your pantries.

Score: 20

A fat guy meets a skinny guy... The fat one says: "You look like there's been a famine."

The skinny one replies: "You look like you caused it".

Score: 19

Here’s some advice for women out there: Be careful of fat guys. They are just trying to get into your pantries.

Score: 18

Why is christmas just like a day at the office? You do all the work, and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.

Score: 9

I was sitting on the subway next to a fat guy and it got me thinking... So I turned to him and asked "How can you let yourself get so fat? Isn't it hard to put that much weight on?"

"Nah, piece of cake."

Score: 7

Yesterday, I had a blast roasting this random fat guy in a comedy club the audience loved it but some said it was a little too spicy for their taste.

Score: 7

Don't worry if a fat guy comes to kidnap you... I told Santa all I want for Christmas is you.

Score: 6

Why is Christmas just like another day in the office? Because you do all the work and some fat guy in a suit gets all the credit.

Score: 6

What do you call a fat guy with an unhealthy interest in his mother? Adipose Rex.

Score: 5

I ran into a fat guy on the way to work Luckily I bounced back

Score: 5

Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? You do all of the hard work and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.

Score: 5

What do you call a fat guy in a bathtub? Tubby

Score: 4

Careful Ladies Fat guys only want to get in your pantries

Score: 4

What did the wise man say to the fat guy? You should probably go on a diet.

Score: 3

What do you call a fat guy, from New Orleans, that never tells the truth? A jambo-laya.

Thanks for coming out, I'll be here till Thursday.

Score: 3

Just punched an old bearded fat guy at the mall.. I passed infront of him and he happily looked at me and called me a "Ho" 3 times.

So rude!

Score: 3

A fat guy and a thin guy meet Fat guy: “When I see you, I’d think a famine broke out!”

Thin guy: “And when I see you, I’d think you’re the one responsible for that!”

Score: 3

What did the fat guy give to the fat girl? Just the tip...

Score: 2

What did the man say to the sad fat guy? Hey, chins up buddy.

Score: 2

Why do entomologists love religious fat guys? Because they have Praying Mantits

Score: 2

A fat guy and a skinny guy are sitting next to each other on the bus. The fat guy looks the skinny guy over and says, "Looking at you, one can think there is not enough food in the world."

The skinny guy replies, "and looking at you, one can see why."

Score: 2

A fat man and a skinny man were arguing about who was more polite... Skinny guy : I am more polite as I always tip my hat to ladies.

Fat guy : I am more courteous because, whenever I get up and offer my seat, 2 ladies can sit

Score: 2

What do you call a fat guy who jumps around buildings? "Poor core"

Score: 1

I always wondered why fat guys don't care as much about "manscaping..." I guess they just can't see the point.

Score: 1

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